Toronto The Charles at Church | 152.7m | 47s | Aspen Ridge | BDP Quadrangle

We now have our first above-grade forms that will ultimately support storey number two!

Photos taken October 27th, 2022:




Things have changed here, and largely put the tower development out of public view for a bit.

Photos taken December 29th, 2022: (The heritage buildings have been relocated to the Jarvis frontage, leaving only a slim view of the emerging tower, just a bit above grade now.



This one is tough to get good pics of right now as it's just in the 1s/2s range, largely hidden behind the heritage facades. There is a view from the north that isn't terrible, but with the bone-chilling winds yesterday, I just couldn't go out of my way for it, so this is what I managed: Photos taken March 18th, 2023:



This is moving at a snail's pace. The post at the top of the page from last October shows first floor completed. Now, more than 7 months later, the second floor is complete. Meanwhile, 55C across the street, which started construction just a few weeks earlier, is nearly topped out.
This is moving at a snail's pace. The post at the top of the page from last October shows first floor completed. Now, more than 7 months later, the second floor is complete. Meanwhile, 55C across the street, which started construction just a few weeks earlier, is nearly topped out.
Totally different builds. When you have to work around existing structures it takes 3 to 4 times as long until you get past the buildings that are being retained. Some that only have a small portion being retained like 8 Wellesley move a bit quicker. This one will move quickly by the end of August.
...yeah, I think I (or it was) mentioned a few pages back and a year or so ago that some of the heritage structures also had be moved around in order to make this work in addition to everything else.
