Toronto The Campbell | 47.24m | 14s | TAS | Teeple Architects

I love TAS so much. The library and this development will kick off this side of Dupont in a similar way that Bianca will east of here.
More renders from the Dev App site:







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Awkward and contrived. They're trying desperately to 'design' something. Without focus, this 'conscious act' too-often leaves the pursuer with exactly the unfocused mess we see here.
I don't mind contrived, I mind it looking cheap. Contrive me up something fantastical, which it could be argued the first two images above are, and I'm happy enough… but leave other spaces looking perfunctory (as another development was accused of being not too many hours ago on UT) as the flatter expanses look here in comparison to the rest, and it's just a recipe for disappointment. Those areas end up looking like they're the back of the building, and no building this size should look have those sides. The third and fifth images above look like the back to me, and yet those will be facing the rather cool new park that Metrolinx is cooking up for the Davenport Diamond grade separation. The building's east wall should be designed to engage with it, not ignore it.

well the massing has been completely changed from 20s (?) down to 15s (?), and from tower w/podium to what now amounts to a slab building
I understand where the criticism is coming from and some good points have been made. Personally, though, I don't mind it. With good materials, it could come out nicely. It is different from other midrise proposals we've seen, and even on the "back" portions there is some visual interest in the placement of the windows.
The third and fifth images above look like the back to me, and yet those will be facing the rather cool new park that Metrolinx is cooking up for the Davenport Diamond grade separation. The building's east wall should be designed to engage with it, not ignore it.

There's still the Skor Cash & Carry property between this building and the rail corridor. It's only one story and accessible only via a laneway, so I'm not sure if it would ever be re-developed into anything significant, but the view of that ugly wall may eventually be blocked.
Ah, okay, thanks for that clarification!

Looks amazing, I love it, not sure of the elevations but I definitely like what I assume to be the front, less so the blank wall side.
