Toronto The Britt Condos | 142.03m | 41s | Lanterra | Arcadis

Shoppers is the new Starbucks. Since Loblaws acquired them they're spreading like a virus. They now occupy some great real estate that would be perfect for restos and other public spaces.

I said this the other day as I passed yet another Shoppers going into a new build. They are literally everywhere.
Signage going up today
So not only are we graced with the worst wall of spandrel in Toronto yet, one that will never be covered up because of its location, but we also get a Shoppers taking up most of the retail?

This project is truly something.
So not only are we graced with the worst wall of spandrel in Toronto yet, one that will never be covered up because of its location, but we also get a Shoppers taking up most of the retail?

This project is truly something.

With luck you might be getting those SDM window wraps too. Just the icing on that cake.

^^^Those pix flatter the building well. It looks half-decent and mildly urbane.

I beg to differ - that podium makes for a rather unflattering comparison against a certain Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus (not implying that the building itself has anything ideologically to do with the latter's politics). Overbearing, uncompromising, overly institutional - it managed to make condo architecture look pompously self-conscious of its own import - and then you look up...that's all that you got?

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