Toronto The Bentway (was Under Gardiner) | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

What should be the permanent name for the park under the Gardiner?

  • The Artery

    Votes: 12 6.5%
  • The Bentway

    Votes: 79 42.5%
  • Under Gardiner

    Votes: 52 28.0%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 43 23.1%

  • Total voters
Who are we going to be explaining the meaning behind the name to? Most people aren't that inquisitive when it comes to civic matters like this. Our culture is so apathetic about this sort of thing that it won't be a big concern. Mostly, this would only be of interest to fellow nerds like ourselves.
@Josh: I don't need to use the word Beltway often. That's the point. But I find myself typing Bentway now, and I've had to teach it to my computer to not have it autocorrect to Beltway.

@Josh and @Armour: You two may not have inquisitive friends. I do. They're more stimulating.

@Josh: I don't need to use the word Beltway often. That's the point. But I find myself typing Bentway now, and I've had to teach it to my computer to not have it autocorrect to Beltway.

@Josh and @Armour: You two may not have inquisitive friends. I do. They're more stimulating.

They may be more stimulating, but your friends represent a tiny pinpoint in Toronto's cultural demographic. Most people are very simple. The majority of Torontonians will probably go their entire lives without even knowing or caring that this place will exist.
^ I think MOST Torontonians will care about a large very visible park. Maybe they won't care about the name, but I'm sure they will care about the space.
I'm going to be the contrarian here and say that I think the marketing and branding has been great -- I love the bright yellow (it's a great contrast with the grey and dingy underside of the Gardiner as it is right now) and I love their use of the silhouettes of the bents. And, you know what? I'm actually digging "The Bentway" as a name. The other name ideas are pretty meh, but I like that they're introducing people to a new term for this infrastructure, one that they'll probably remember.

Also, TBH, I think y'all complain too much.
I suspect you could count on the fingers of one hand the number of laypeople who knew the supports for the Gardiner were called bents before this lame name suggestion was announced.
^ I think MOST Torontonians will care about a large very visible park. Maybe they won't care about the name, but I'm sure they will care about the space.
I don't think so. Many people in the core will care about this, but what about some random family in the far reaches of Scarborough. They may never even set their eyes on it. Most people simply don't care about the city at large.
I suspect you could count on the fingers of one hand the number of laypeople who knew the supports for the Gardiner were called bents
My point exactly! It will be many people's first time seeing this term, but maybe the next time they're under a bridge, they'll look up and think "oh hey, it's a bent". Infrastructural literacy!
Except the name doesn't make the connection, and would need a long explainer, so it's a branding failure.

Indeed. Given the structure above already has a name - any attempt to rename the space underneath as something else without said name will probably end up a failure among the general public. From a use perspective - everyone is more likely to say let's go under [the] Gardiner instead of let's going to the Bent Park. Or even Gardiner Park, as undeserving as it maybe, will work brilliantly.

@interchange42 : Inquisitive friends would likely be happy to find out what a bent is, which should make Bentway Park a great name in your books: but somehow it doesn't? These friends aren't all that inquisitive if they find 'under gardiner' stimulating.

Secondly, under gardiner is a confusing name. The gardiner runs the length of the city - a few parks already exist under portions or right beside it, and more are likely to come. It's as applicable to the Fort York section, as it is to the portion by the Keating Channel, as it is to Sherbourne Common. A name should be unique enough that it can be identified with a specific location in the city - and not be confused based off your own relation to the city.
I, too, don't see what is so great about the name: Under Gardiner. It's arguably more plain than the 4 finalists (save Gathering Place). It sounds as if as much thought was put into that name as Canada Square and Ontario Square.
I do agree that inquisitive types will be interested in learning what The Bentway might mean, but others will just give up on it, not bothering to find out what it means. Because of that, I still say that a name that goes a good bit of the way in explaining itself is far more preferable. Under Gardiner is not plain, if by using that word @Armour means generic. Sure someone who doesn't know where under the Gardiner it is will have to ask, but that's the same thing with just about anything. Where's Bluffer's Park? Somewhere along the Scarborough Bluffs, a Torontonian would likely suppose but if they haven't been there before, and they'll still have to find out where along the Bluffs it is. Big deal. That's what maps are for. Easily found, as will be The Bentway. Wait, the what?

Under Gardiner is generic because it's so literal and not creative at all (not that a simple name can't work). It's as if the conversation that was held to market this prospect went like this: what should we call this place? Well, it's underneath the Gardiner...How about, 'Under Gardiner'? We should just get Kim Mitchell to name it. He has a corny way with words (lyrically). Rock N Roll Wings Park could work.
