The TCHC Annual Report for 2007 (the most recent one) says:
Railway Lands - Blocks 32, 36 and 31
Toronto Community Housing is responsible for the development of some City-owned properties in the Railway Lands, near Old Fort York. The goal is to design a new community that sets benchmarks for environmental, economic and social sustainability; targets the housing needs of lower-income families; finds a sense of place in a rich local history; and is planned through meaningful consultation with area residents.
The first two blocks to be developed will be Blocks 32 and 36. Together, these properties will have 650 units in four residential buildings and a new Toronto Public Library. About 60% of the total development will be affordable for lower income families, while 40% will be built as market housing. Most of the units in the development will larger and designed for families with children.
Construction is scheduled to start in spring 2008 with the first units available at the end of 2009.
Following shortly after Blocks 32 & 36 will be Block 31. This site will include 325 units of affordable housing, a public elementary school, a Catholic elementary school a community recreation centre and City of Toronto childcare facility.
I think they are running late :->