Toronto Tableau Condominiums | 124.05m | 36s | Urban Capital | Wallman Architects

I think this tower is going to be one of the best additions to the entertainment district.

Urban Capital is one of the only Toronto condo developers to have a presence in Ottawa, and do some pretty good projects there (especially considering the lower bar for architectural design).

I discovered this project before I moved to Toronto in 2012 when Urban Capital would show renders of Tableau at their Ottawa sites to promote the sorts of projects they were capable of. As a result, this is one of the first projects I actively followed in Toronto, and am really looking forward to seeing the rest of it go up.

In particular, I can't wait for the rest of the podium scaffolding to disappear. I think that's when we'll get the full sense of the addition this will make to the surface public realm.
Pic taken Sept 25, 2014



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That last shot is so Toronto! Construction boom and tree stump. I wish the city would just remove the whole thing instead of leaving it like that for months on end.
I think the MEC move was just a rumor least I heard ... not set in stone.
That's too bad. I've always felt that, although highly unlikely, this spot would be the perfect place for a public square.

I agree, maybe build a thin building at the back and side of the lot with a patio restaurant/cafe. Otherwise it would be a very well used square.
