Toronto Sync Lofts Condos | ?m | 8s | Streetcar | TACT Architecture

Thanks for all of your pics taken yesterday, UD. I got to see half the city in 15 mins on here! Today is another great day for a construction walking tour:cool:
19 May 2013: The (metal?) panels on the west fire wall make me wish the entire building had been clad in this material--I kinda like it.

Christopher Hume just gave the project an "A". I think that it fits in perfectly along this stretch, too.
Yeah, I wouldn't give this a D- but I would certainly not give it an A.

It's B- territory for me.

The massing is good and the western slate-coloured wall is a nice touch, but the overall design feels very ca. 2002 institutional and the ground floor retail along Queen feels like it's sagging under the weight of the rest of the building.
In the 905 this sort of design would be ok. For example up in that phoney "downtown markham" development or in Burlington and Hamilton. Or up along Finch, Sheppard, NYCC etc. Queen East is supposed to be this cool place where I'd hope cool modern architecture would happen. I understand what TACT does--sort of educate hillbilly developers into the benefits of the modern aesthetic on a tight budget. However, George Popper's Leslieville Lofthouses project around the corner makes me rethink the notion that I'd hire Tact over GP.

River City is an A.

Leslieville Lofthouses is a B.

Work Lofts is a C.

Sync Lofts is a D.

That's how I think :)
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Proportions on the podium look wrong, especially the transition from grade to second level. The thick band of brick appears to heavily crush the ground floor. The dreary grey-ness really doesn't help either.
May 26, 2013. Sorry, cellphone pics.




Around back.

Across the corner.

East-facing wall.

Ads on the south wall, which I think might be the future entrance.

Looking West along Queen on the south-facing wall of the building. A relatively pleasant bit of a streetwall where none was a few years back.


Up 'n' over the Don.
CN: Don't apologize for cell phone quality pics...they are really good! Thanks for the River City ones, too ;) My personal opinion is that the downtown core looks best from the east looking west.
