Developer: Menkes Developments, HOOPP
Address: 90 Harbour St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2016
Height: 776 ft / 236.51 mStoreys: 67 storeys
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Toronto Sun Life Financial Tower & Harbour Plaza Residences | 236.51m | 67s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co

Certainly 90 Harbour is protected, no?
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I might get blasted for this, but given a choice between 60 Harbour and 90 Harbour, I would save 60 Harbour every time. It's considerably older than 90 Harbour (1917 vs. 1953), and much more historically significant (not to mention better-looking). 90 Harbour is (in my opinion) frankly nothing all that special, as far as mid-20th century buildings go.

So in this case, if the proposed development on the 90 Harbour block is reasonably attractive, I have no issue with the current building being demolished. I had said earlier that I hoped the building could be saved, but I had been thinking of the 60 Harbour building, which is indeed worth making a big effort to save.
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I've seen several concepts/proposals for the site - a couple of years ago now -- office/condo or condo only and each incorporated or maintained the main entrance or central core of the building. There was also a proposal by Metrolinx to use this as a new bus terminal!
I might get blasted for this, but given a choice between 60 Harbour and 90 Harbour, I would save 60 Harbour every time. It's considerably older than 90 Harbour (1917 vs. 1953), and much more historically significant (not to mention better-looking). 90 Harbour is (in my opinion) frankly nothing all that special, as far as mid-20th century buildings go.

"Given a choice", I doubt most people would argue your point, even those with a sympathetic yen t/w 90 Harbour...
Yes, a fairly easy choice. The real choice is between 90 Harbour and the bland 'Southcore'-type architecture that will likely replace it. I know what I'd choose...
Yes, a fairly easy choice. The real choice is between 90 Harbour and the bland 'Southcore'-type architecture that will likely replace it. I know what I'd choose...

I dont know..but i vision Cadillac Fairview and Lanterra Developments purchasing that location and building something half decent, maybe more Residences of Maple Leaf Square or even more Ice.
Perhaps whoever gets the site will keep the old building as a podium and build al tower on the York Street side.
Clean up that building, and put a tower behind it, and it would look really good I think. I could see it being a great place for amenities.
