Hey, what happens behind the fritted balcony glass stays behind the fritted balcony glass.
Regarding the Gardiner off-ramps seen in my photos above, City Council has adopted a motion at the current meeting which advances the plans to replace them with a new ramp at Lower Simcoe.
The City has been talking to owners of the rental buildings at 250 through 270 Queens Quay, and the condo corp which owns 228 and 230 Queens Quay (the Riviera), as it needs strips of land at the back of those properties to build the new ramp on. Since the condo corp is owned by hundreds of unit owners, and 80% of them must be in agreement to sell the strip to the City before the corp can agree to the sale, the City is preparing to expropriate as it expects that obtaining approval from that many owners will delay the project.
The City intends to start the ramp replacement construction sometime in 2016. (Woohoo!)