Toronto Studio and Studio2 on Richmond | 131.06m | 41s | Aspen Ridge | BDP Quadrangle

^^ My reception wasn't very bumpy because my first post was pictures. Pictures, pictures and more pictures -- that's the best way in. That and cookies apparently.
As best as I know, Granny's promised cookies remain undistributed. She'd better cough'em up at some point, or the wolf may be paying her a visit!

A few notes from last night's meeting.

-Quadrangle Architects
-Aspen Ridge Homes.
-39s, 131m
-S-shaped, 18s podium
-Point tower will be very 'pointy' - 640sq/m at its widest - situated on the south west corner of the site
- 628 units
-Seriously looking at a number of 'green' inititives (green roofs, walls, etc.)
-Creation of public plaza on Nelson st.
2 different lobbies for podium and tower sections - one at corner of Nelson and Duncan, the other on Richmond, closer to University ave.
What, no spy-cam shots?

/\ Are you sure that you have the right project? This one hasn't even gone to the city yet, let alone the OMB (God forbid).
Yeah, I noticed that. (Weird 70s style building, of the reverse-setbacked, subliminally CorbuRudolphian variety.)
I love the tower, its fantastic... the swishy "building B" I'm not so sure about.... while its nice that they're attempting something different.... I just... well i prefer a nice uniform street wall... ala the new Stewart Street.

all and all, good height/density though, and the shape of the tower compliments shangri-la quite well, so.... start the digging!
