Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

Seing the sign today, I thought: "My eyes! The goggles do nothing!"

I actually like the way trump looks but +1 anyways. that gave me a good chuckle
They have the cover on the LED up to the crow nest now and could see most of the LED's in place on the mast.

Photos to follow
Hey, cool! Nice shot, thanks. Part of the old Simpson's complex is captured as well.. Where is the Woolworth's?

Liking the signage so far. Also, I finally found a picture of what used to be on this lot. Not sure if it's been posted before here.

How this hasn't made its way into a movie as the location of an evil corporation is beyond me.

Because an evil corporation wouldn't allow its headquarters to be depicted as that of an evil corporation.
I noticed this evening that they activated the strobe light. It's a huge one, definitely the brightest downtown.

I see they still haven't shut off the south facing KPMG sign. I imagine it won't be long after people move in before that thing turns off.
Those signs are worth megabucks to the building's owners. They will certainly want compensation from the condo corp to turn it off; something I doubt they would be willing to afford.
I'm sure there are laws that prevent exactly this kind of thing happening - namely shining an intense blue light into your home.

There won't be compensation, just a sternly worded letter about turning the sign off.
They should have "TRUMP" lit up and revolving around the top of the tower like an ACME evil genius headquarters... Much like our other evil genius headquarters building, the Roger's Headquarters:


Different decade, same bad architect. What happened to the Zeidler who did this?

