Senior Member
Adelaide street runs between them. It's a little more than 15 feet wide.
Wow it looks incredible from that vantage point.
Anyone know if the first set back is intentionally at the exact height of BA centre? To me it makes them look very, very distantly related (at the top anyways).
Sorry Steveve, my first post. Again Trump from TD 54th floor. From up there it looks incredibly tall and skinny
Someone please tell me they're not leaving the mech box clad in that horrendous material. Even a layer of glass, just something other than what looks like house wrapping!
Edward's post reminded me. Does anyone have a picture of what used to stand at this location, before the sales centre, and parking lot?
i think the mech box looks fine, and in fact, also acts as a setback leading up to the dome. i don't get why people are complaining. that's the way its always been, it's part of the original design.