Developer: JFC Capital ULC
Address: 311 Bay St., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo, Hotel)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2012
Height: 925 ft / 281.93 mStoreys: 58 storeys
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Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler

I have never seen anyone in the sales pavilions for months.

While I would love to see this constructed as it will make a large impact on our skyline, with every passing day I believe it will less likely be built.

Itoo have lost faith in this project, I am really looking forward to the Ritz though and the accompaning office tower.
I am not overly concerned either way - even if Trump doesn't go forward, the site will still retain the zoning - and that just means the possiblity of something equally dense (in this case = tall) remains...

Do actualy we know that the Ritz is doing any better than Trump?

Or are we going to be posting e-mails from the Ritz in 2009, saying "okay, guys! We're starting construction! Look at us! We realllllly starting construction! Oh look, I'm walking towards the backhoe! Fishing for the backhoe keys... fishing for the backhoe keys..."
Do actualy we know that the Ritz is doing any better than Trump?

I had the opportunity to look at the sales figures for both projects a number of months ago and there was no comparison. The Ritz has had very strong sales - last I saw they were already in the 50%-60% range and that was a few months ago, prior to construction announcements and the RBC deal which would have had a positive impact on sales.

The Trump Hotel units were doing fairly well, while the residences were not being absorbed at all - hense the rejigging of the units for smaller cheaper residences. I haven't seen any new numbers since those units were altered last fall. But the big expensive units were not selling.
Thanks for the info, Mike. I doubt they would cancel the project after coming this far. It certainly isn't selling the way we or they expected though.

Trump is not the type of project that will get a lot of walk-in traffice. I too worry with each passing day.
I worry that people are worrying too much.

I worry that people will blame me if it doesn't get built, because I've been sticking pins in my Donald and Eb voodoo dolls for years now and hoping we get a new design - instead of this tired, mid-1990's retread of a Buck Rogers rocket ship disguised as a building.
No no BB - keep sticking away! There aren't enough pins in the world to express how anemic I think this design is, so every one you have will help.

Does Trump have any large-scale projects that were cancelled due to slow sales? If not, I can see this project on life-support for quite a while.
Remember Trump is only selling his name for the project. The fellow with the money may not be as patient.
I happened to be flipping channels a while ago and saw that Trump was a guest on Larry King Live (I would never, ever intentionally watch that ass-kissing Larry King). Trump mentioned all of his far-flung projects including Las Vegas and I think he mentioned something in China. He said nothing about Toronto.
Not sure if this video is new, I've never seen it.

Trump Toronto Movie

Of course is old. 'Noticed when they announced in the movie
the Trump 68 stories (SIC)...:rollin
I walked by on Monday I think it was and their were people sitting in the back room on the couch. Could be a buyer.
I walked by on Monday I think it was and their were people sitting in the back room on the couch. Could be a buyer.

Maybe they're selling the couch.
