Toronto St Lawrence Market North | 25.3m | 5s | City of Toronto | Rogers Stirk Harbour

It's actually Market Lane Park and it is sad! Apparently more of it will soon be fenced off as a construction staging area and the neighbourhood are working with Pam McConnell to have it better lit and tidied up ASAP.

Alas, I hope they eventually plan to go further than lighting and tidying. Toronto calling Claude Cormier...

Alas, I hope they eventually plan to go further than lighting and tidying. Toronto calling Claude Cormier...

Indeed! The plan for parks in this area are that in 2017 the work on implementing the master plan for St James Park will be started - this is much more of a 'tidying up' than a rebuild but it is looking as though it will include (finally) the proper heritage lighting of St James Cathedral. Planning will then start on the new Market Lane Park and the new park where the temporary Market tent is now (both to be done when new North market is finished). These two parks will serve as a bridge between St James and David Crombie. In 2017 it is also hoped that plans will be made for a make-over of David Crombie Park (work to occur in 2018) and (with First Parliament site) of Parliament Square Park so that, when it's all done there will be upgraded parks all the way from St James, down Market Lane, along The Esplanade and David Crombie to the rebuilt Mill Street (happening now and in 2017) and into Corktown Common.



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Indeed! The plan for parks in this area are that in 2017 the work on implementing the master plan for St James Park will be started - this is much more of a 'tidying up' than a rebuild but it is looking as though it will include (finally) the proper heritage lighting of St James Cathedral. Planning will then start on the new Market Lane Park and the new park where the temporary Market tent is now (both to be done when new North market is finished). These two parks will serve as a bridge between St James and David Crombie. In 2017 it is also hoped that plans will be made for a make-over of David Crombie Park (work to occur in 2018) and (with First Parliament site) of Parliament Square Park so that, when it's all done there will be upgraded parks all the way from St James, down Market Lane, along The Esplanade and David Crombie to the rebuilt Mill Street (happening now and in 2017) and into Corktown Common.

That would be nice and hopefully they get rid of this thing:
To wit, we had a lovely Sec. 7, City owned and maintained parkette and playground in our S/Etobicoke townhouse community (100 + homes). Miller proclaimed no further weed control remedies. 7 short years later just crabgrass and mud for Parks staff to whack away at. Occasionally. No grass, no kids, a complete disaster. Just like Market Lane. The City forbid eager homeowners to tackle the problem with the sweat equity that kept weeds from our tiny precious front gardens. They can throw gobs of $ at restoring our parks but without needed care it all gets flushed.
From just now.



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Starting to disappear. From this morning.



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