Toronto Spadina Subway Extension Emergency Exits | ?m | 1s | TTC | IBI Group

Downsview Station is 16 years old now, and every time I go through that station I appreciate the care that was taken it its architecture, and the availability of natural light underground. It's little things like that that make my commute a little better.
To be fair it's actutally now 20 years old, but I completely agree with you about the natural light.
Downsview Station is 16 years old now, and every time I go through that station I appreciate the care that was taken it its architecture, and the availability of natural light underground. It's little things like that that make my commute a little better.

Agreed, Downsview is pretty sweet. It goes to show that a station can be attractive without being wastefully decadent. Nice colours, light, and openness does not require starchitects. And for the surface areas in between stations, emergency exits needn't be whimsical. A few cans of well-placed paint or public murals can achieve a similar effect.

The extension to Downsview will no doubt go down as the last affordable subway expansion for the city, which is worthy of footnoting. At $117M for 2km and a station ($170M in today's dollars, or $85M per km) there's no comparison to projects undertaken since.
Downsiew Station is the best looking TTC station. My favourite station and the standard to which other future stations should be measured up to.
Ignoring the subsurface component, my favourite would be Castle Frank. It's very simple, suburban-style, and surrounded by trees. And in the last few years they planted more trees in the bus loop. Very attractive.

For the subsurface portion of a station, I'm partial to Queen's Park. Small and tubular, but clean and bright.
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Surface, I largely agree with Downsview. However, I vastly prefer the design language for Downsview Park, York University, Highway 407, and VMC, once they're completed. My new favourite will probably be Highway 407 because it's magnificent and colossal, followed by Downsview Park for the nice greenery and the GO train running through the middle.

Subsurface--for platform level my favourite is Union, concourse is probably Don Mills though Downsview and Union are strong competitors. But, similarly, the photos I've been seeing of the TYSSE concourse levels are amazing...not sure if they'll unseat Union for platforms though.
Surface, I largely agree with Downsview. However, I vastly prefer the design language for Downsview Park, York University, Highway 407, and VMC, once they're completed. My new favourite will probably be Highway 407 because it's magnificent and colossal, followed by Downsview Park for the nice greenery and the GO train running through the middle.

Subsurface--for platform level my favourite is Union, concourse is probably Don Mills though Downsview and Union are strong competitors. But, similarly, the photos I've been seeing of the TYSSE concourse levels are amazing...not sure if they'll unseat Union for platforms though.

Yeah once those new ones are built Downsview will be unseated for me.
The TTC has just posted a survey asking for feedback on the proposed bus route changes for the subway extension:

Here is the proposed map:

Some comments:
  • It looks like they'll continue to use the York University busway for the 199 Finch Rocket
  • I'm surprised the TTC plans on running so many routes through York University. IIRC, didn't they want to reroute buses away from campus?
  • Does the 107 need to run to Pioneer Village station? I understand the need to serve the industrial areas near the stations, but wouldn't it be better to instead route a branch of the 41 Keele bus?


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The TTC has just posted a survey asking for feedback on the proposed bus route changes for the subway extension:

Here is the proposed map:
View attachment 91756

Some comments:
  • It looks like they'll continue to use the York University busway for the 199 Finch Rocket
  • I'm surprised the TTC plans on running so many routes through York University. IIRC, didn't they want to reroute buses away from campus?
  • Does the 107 need to run to Pioneer Village station? I understand the need to serve the industrial areas near the stations, but wouldn't it be better to instead route a branch of the 41 Keele bus?

Holy crap, I am psychic. The new 106, 108 and 117 routings are near identical to how I envisioned them being in the Fantasy thread.
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I think it was more the go buses and YRT ones they wanted off campus as they take up a lot of space
do TTC buses take up less space than GO/YRT/BRT buses ;)

I too thought wanted "all" buses off campuses and a bit surprised that the only ones left on campus are the only ones who's riders could transfer to the subway at no additional cost. Strange that.
do TTC buses take up less space than GO/YRT/BRT buses ;)

I too thought wanted "all" buses off campuses and a bit surprised that the only ones left on campus are the only ones who's riders could transfer to the subway at no additional cost. Strange that.

I think the TTC wants to keep a few routes going into it from the east and west so that the subway doesn't get overcrowded and also so poel don't have to transfer at yonge and bloor or use the crosstown if they don't have too. It's like if you are at st clair west and bathurst and you want to get to shepard and young you could take the subway through the whole lop or you could take the street car across to st. clar and then the subway north form there.
I think the TTC wants to keep a few routes going into it from the east and west so that the subway doesn't get overcrowded and also so poel don't have to transfer at yonge and bloor or use the crosstown if they don't have too. It's like if you are at st clair west and bathurst and you want to get to shepard and young you could take the subway through the whole lop or you could take the street car across to st. clar and then the subway north form there.
I fully understand why the TTC might want to ....but it was the school who (I thought) had said they wanted all buses off campus.....and would GO/YRT/BRT not have equally reasonable reasons for wanting their buses on helping their riders avoid another fare?
I fully understand why the TTC might want to ....but it was the school who (I thought) had said they wanted all buses off campus.....and would GO/YRT/BRT not have equally reasonable reasons for wanting their buses on helping their riders avoid another fare?

I would think all bus routes going in would probably have to be approved by york university and it may make more sense for them to want to allow the TTC to have them come in do to the students that come from parts oe Toronto. Also Pioneer village station is almost on campus and if they didn't want to take the subay they could practically walk to the campus from there.
