Toronto Spadina Adelaide Square | 187.43m | 58s | Fengate | WZMH

Cusimano Architect along with R. Varacalli





Even more disappointing - the podium. Where is the sense of depth, layering, articulation to create street presence? The podium and ground level of a building are its biggest contribution to the urban life of the street and here it looks like there is little interest in what that presence is. Vertical brick piers and standard curtainwall in the gaps between - yawn.
I have trouble imagining that "Go To Developments" has the ability to execute on this. Their next tallest thing is a 13 storey condo in St. Catherines, then it’s all townhouses and SFD around the GTHA. Cusimano also have next to no experience doing this kind of thing.

My assumption is rezone and flip, but I guess we'll see.
I like the old rendering better less balconies and glass windows . A more solid looking structure that can be seen on the info box on top of page. Check it out!
Even more disappointing - the podium. Where is the sense of depth, layering, articulation to create street presence? The podium and ground level of a building are its biggest contribution to the urban life of the street and here it looks like there is little interest in what that presence is. Vertical brick piers and standard curtainwall in the gaps between - yawn.

It's the same story every time. I have to wonder, do these developers/architects actually walk around the city at all? Either they don't care or even more frightfully they might enjoy seeing rubbish like this.
The podium has good character. Shame about everything else. It will blend in well with the rest of the glass mediocrity of the Entertainment District.
Updated Development Application:

"The original Zoning Amendment proposal was for a 50-storey mixed-use building fronting Adelaide Street West, incorporating the existing heritage building, and a 12-storey building fronting Oxley Street. The 50-storey building proposed to contain retail, office and residential uses and the 12-storey building proposed residential uses. A revised proposal has been submitted (June 2021), reducing the height of the tower to 48 storeys. The proposed uses remain the same."





