Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

Is that World of Posters?

I wonder if this is why work seems to have stalled. Were they holding off on any further preparation work to see if they would be able to acquire that land?
If you're gonna do something, might as well do it right! The TTC could learn a lesson from Ryerson...
Just a quick question, I haven't passed by the empty site for a while, but there was a "Student Learning Centre" sign up for the longest time. What is a "Student Learning Centre"? :rolleyes:
Is that World of Posters?

I wonder if this is why work seems to have stalled. Were they holding off on any further preparation work to see if they would be able to acquire that land?

Indeed it is. They have a sign in their window stating they're moving to Queen West. The last holdouts from the hippie era are slowly vacating or being forced out of Yonge.

Hey can Ryerson rid us of the eight "novelty ID" shops on that block as well? What is the deal with that anyways?
Is that why Ryerson has stopped the demolition of the Sam site because they were waiting to acquire the poster store too?

Any idea when demolition will resume?
What's north of this building? I can't seem to remember. I wonder if Ryerson will try for one more?
I met with the planner from the city who informed me that the problem is that the world of book store is actually being help up by the buildings ryerson wants to demolish - that's y demolition has halted - they actually need to acquire the world of books store or figure something else out before they can continue
