Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

I must say it is pretty cool following this building's construction. Its progressing at a rate where you can notice notable progression at a bi-daily rate.
I wonder if this building is going to have a big effect on Yonge Street, besides just the physical change? I'm sure Yonge Street will have all kinds of new stores and restaurants in the coming years, partly due to the effects of this building. I'm also sure it will become one of the signature buildings of Toronto. Yonge Street might go back to being Toronto's iconic main strip, after all this new development transforms it. These are exciting times, for development geeks!
I wonder if this building is going to have a big effect on Yonge Street, besides just the physical change? I'm sure Yonge Street will have all kinds of new stores and restaurants in the coming years, partly due to the effects of this building. I'm also sure it will become one of the signature buildings of Toronto. Yonge Street might go back to being Toronto's iconic main strip, after all this new development transforms it. These are exciting times, for development geeks!

The future of this iconic main strip is corporate restaurant chains and big box retail.
hopefully they do something with the wall.
looks bare.


imagine if the ryerson building is built
as tall as the Aura. that would catch us
all by surprise



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Nice set of pics Devon - thanks!

its really starting to come together, and its a very interesting building to look at already when it is just a concrete shell. I can tell you right now that this will be the crown jewel of Ryerson.
Curious as to why some American universities choose to build in traditional old architectural styles and why Canada is all about new. Cultures are fun!!!!!
Curious as to why some American universities choose to build in traditional old architectural styles and why Canada is all about new. Cultures are fun!!!!!

Americans seem to value tradition and heritage more than we do. In Canada, we're in a tremendous rush to make absolutely everything look new and current. Even buildings that are only 30 years old get stripped of their architectural integrity in an attempt to make them look modern.

Btw, it's not just Americans that value historical recreation. Europeans, Asians, and Africans build tons of buildings using old architectures. It's likely a sign that we're still too culturally insecure to value our heritage and attach ourselves to what ever is trendy.

I suspect very little of our culture and heritage will survive the next 50 years. We'll tear it all down/dump it to the curb because we don't value it. We certainly aren't going to see the wisdom in building more of it.
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