Developer: Toronto Metropolitan University
Architect: Zeidler Architecture, Snøhetta
Address: 341 Yonge St,, Toronto
Category: Institutional (Education)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2014
Height: 166 ft / 50.59 mStoreys: 8 storeys
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Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

while his dream is an apple store (myself i despise apple, overpriced, not very good products, bloated/slow applications, constant unjustified new versions, expiring warranties for older products, etc, etc, etc), i wouldn't mind some style on this strip like he describes in the end of the article. This section just north of dundas on yonge is quite embarrassing to the city.

So in that, i support his vision. I doubt it will ever be what he wants, but at least his effort can't be worse that what already exists today.

Yes, someone else noticed!
This might be old news, but an initial phase of an international competition has been released- not sure when the final phase and/or when the official dates of competition submissions will open, but keep your eyes and ears open for this to happen soonish. I am happy to hear that they will be going ahead with an international competition, but I am worried that they will not have the budget to complete whatever gets chosen and ultimately we will end up with another missed opportunity like the engineering building (Moriyama&Teshima for Calatrava). Not only was Calatrava's project insanely expensive ($360 million), it was also kind of impractical..

This might be old news, but an initial phase of an international competition has been released- not sure when the final phase and/or when the official dates of competition submissions will open, but keep your eyes and ears open for this to happen soonish. I am happy to hear that they will be going ahead with an international competition, but I am worried that they will not have the budget to complete whatever gets chosen and ultimately we will end up with another missed opportunity like the engineering building (Moriyama&Teshima for Calatrava). Not only was Calatrava's project insanely expensive ($360 million), it was also kind of impractical..


Great news!

PS. Does anyone have any pictures of the Calatrava designed engineering building?
I just googled Calatrava and I am impressed. Their design for WTC transportation hub in NYC makes our union station design seem like a wuss --;

I love their usage of line work as structures. :O BCE is one of my favorite building designs too.

oh and I third the hate for apple
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yea that was one of the first thing I noticed about BCE. My first impression was, "wow, this looks really cool!"
There are some very unimpressive sort-of drawing of the Calatrava building, the only ones that seemed available at the time, at TOBuilt. Search on Ryerson Centre for Computing and Engineering. Not much to see, though, and I never found more detailed ones.
I found an old rendering but it didn't look like anything special, nor did it look to be 30 stories. Im surprised it cant be found with a google search.

There is an open house April 1st and 2nd for student input on the space and layout of the new student learning centre.

The 30s tower was supposed to be at the southern end of the block where the gas station is - Ryerson wasn't able to acquire that site. At one point there is also a website the sightline impacts of the project on the Merchandise Building unit-by-unit.

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The 30s tower was supposed to be at the southern end of the block where the gas station is - Ryerson wasn't able to acquire that site. At one poin there is also a website with a unit-by-unit analysis of the sightline impacts of the project.


Thanks for the info. The rendering I saw had the tower set on Gould. Definitely not Calatrava's proposal then.
Myself I despise Microsoft, overpriced, not very good products, bloated/slow applications, constant unjustified new versions, expiring warranties for older products, etc, etc, etc.

But now back on topic. Exactly what do you mean by shaped like a corkscrew??
