Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

From Ryerson Builds:

The tender for shoring and excavation was closed on January 16th and the remaining tender packages for various building trades (e.g., electrical and plumbing contractors) are being prepared by Ellis Don. These tenders will be posted throughout 2012.

The architectural team is currently reviewing cost estimates from Ellis Don and Marshall Murray (Quantity Surveyor) on various construction components. This is a quality assurance process to ensure the estimates are aligned.

Ellis Don is scheduled to take possession of the site on February 1st and should have the construction hoarding (installing plywood around the perimeter) installed by February 16th

if I am not mistaken ryerson has looked at tearing down the KERR buildings and replacing them with something larger, I think it was in there OP or some article I read
The neighbouring building is being braced.


Those lovely slabs of polished Ontario red granite that used to be along the Gould street side have been carted off to Prospect Cemetery, apparently.
Received a reply from Kristyn:

Commemoration of Sam's is underway. Don't have all the details but know that the student community is actively involved.

I would be happy with having the signs displayed in the lobby (turned off because Neon isn't the best type of light for indoors) and then a modern interpretation in LED's built into the glass pointing outwards on to Yonge St.
I'd rather not see them reincorporated into the Yonge St. side of this building. It would seriously compromise the architecture of the new building. I wouldn't mind seeing them mounted on 10 Dundas, even facing north on the Gould side would be kind of interesting
To put them on this building would be ridiculous. whatever is right in that it would completely ruin the aesthetic of the Student Centre. I think best case scenario would be the negotiate to have them replace one of the second story billboards directly across the street. More practical (and what I'm betting happens) is they end up on Gould.
