Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

Oh, and kkgg7, your point makes no sense when the Empress Hotel was, architecturally, head and shoulders above the "shacks" you seem to find cluttering up the downtown. If you want to support *any* heritage, the Empress Hotel would have been top of the list of worthwhile things to save in Toronto.
Oh, and kkgg7, your point makes no sense when the Empress Hotel was, architecturally, head and shoulders above the "shacks" you seem to find cluttering up the downtown. If you want to support *any* heritage, the Empress Hotel would have been top of the list of worthwhile things to save in Toronto.

Oh, but it's not UNESCO-worthy--y'know, in his eyes, *that* should be the final criteria.

Well, endorsing arson to "conveniently" dispose of a heritage-but-not-UNESCO-heritage building: to use my batterer's analogy, it's like alibiing date/spousal abuse on grounds of her not being of Playboy centrefold quality. So, kkgg7 is a batterer--an urban batterer. And of course, batterers/misogynists/etc might offer a "differing opinion" alibi on their own behalf as well...
Heritage mentalities like that held by kkgg7 are the reason only 1/5 of the Coliseum exists today. (Which ironically would be an example of "real" heritage used by kkgg7)
Change of Plans for Sam the Record Man Marquee?

Change of Plans for Sam the Record Man Marquee?

Logistical concerns might make remounting the heritage-designated, Ryerson-owned iconic signage impractical.
By Meg Campbell
Photo by spotmaticfanatic from the Torontoist Flickr Pool.

Toronto may not see Sam the Record Man’s signage reappear on Yonge Street. Ryerson’s independent student newspaper the Eyeopener is reporting that the school is reconsidering plans to re-mount the sign on its not-yet-built Student Learning Centre. Early plans for the SLC indicated it would include the marquee, but it didn’t figure into a newer design released this year.

According to the Eyeopener‘s report, Ryerson president Sheldon Levy is concerned about the cost of remounting the sign, approximately $250,000, and the school wants to propose a “sidewalk tribute” as an alternate memorial to Sam’s. Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Ward 24, Toronto Centre-Rosedale) noted that the size of the sign and its outdated, energy-inefficient technology could make remounting it “physically impossible” and said Ryerson has been developing an “interpretive commemorative plaque” for the site. The school will have to get city council’s approval to change its plan for the sign.
The sign has been out of public view since late 2008 when Ryerson began demolishing Sam’s, which closed its doors in 2007. There was an enormous public campaign to save the sign, and in June 2007, the City kept it off the auction block and designated the entire building a heritage site.
The Sam The Record Man "spinning discs" belong on the media wall at 10 Dundas East. If not, create one specifically for them. Weren't there plans for more media towers in that area?
That's a good idea. Pen Equity should be assessed a post-ownserhip eyesore tax, which would allow them to begin paying off their debt to society by restoring the Sam's signs and improving their blighted cityscape at Yonge-Dundas Square.

Oh speaking of Pen Equity - has anyone noticed the olfactory delight of walking along Gould between Yonge and Victoria nowadays? The firm behindn the delightful 10 Dundas East have the infinite wisdom of putting the exhaust for the food court outlets right where the loading dock entrance is - and the whole area now smells absolutely rancid.

That's a good idea. Pen Equity should be assessed a post-ownserhip eyesore tax, which would allow them to begin paying off their debt to society by restoring the Sam's signs and improving their blighted cityscape at Yonge-Dundas Square.


That tax should also take into account all the years that went by before they started building the aforementioned eyesore.
With major record labels announcing the death of CD's next year I doubt HMV will be around much past early to mid-2013 potentially opening up the opportunity for a larger block using the former Edison Hotel and HMV properties. Surely development plans will follow soon afterward finally hiding that ugly grey monster behind it before the end of the decade.
Why not do something really different and mount the signs right into the middle of the intersection at Yonge/Dundas? If they can have a glass floor on the CN Tower I'm sure we can figure out how to have a glass (or plexiglass) road surface.
That's a good idea. Pen Equity should be assessed a post-ownserhip eyesore tax, which would allow them to begin paying off their debt to society by restoring the Sam's signs and improving their blighted cityscape at Yonge-Dundas Square.


PenEquity hasn't owned or been involved with Metropolis/TorontoLifeSq/10 Dundas E for a few years now.

I'm just glad they're out of Yonge-Dundas sq entirely. If I never hear about them again, that's rewarding enough.

About the Sam's sign, Ryerson should have known when they bought the building, took down the sign and committed to putting it up again that it would cost money to do so. If they don't follow through, they acted on bad faith.

City council needs to me forceful in sticking to the orginal plans or at least getting Ryerson to pay for putting the neon records somewhere else nearby on Yonge (and I agree that 10 Dundas E is appropriate).
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Ryerson made a commitment to preserve that sign and keep it on Yonge Street and they must be kept to their word. I think that sign is one of the best pieces of neon art that this city has. It needs to be kept on Yonge Street. Ryerson SUCKS!
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Looks like Ryerson is trying to pull a fast one. No way! The signs have been listed and it was agreed they'd be displayed. This was the deal, no?
