Toronto Royal Ontario Museum | ?m | ?s | Daniel Libeskind

Yeah it crossed my mind that they were primarily erected for surveillance purposes, but not all of the poles have cameras attached and they are truly eyesores!
You should suggest that to Mr. Thorsell. He's surprisingly receptive to constructive criticism and suggestions.

When I told him that the Court entrance to the Stair of Wonders had these doors that looked like fire exits and it wasn't immediately obvious how to enter the crystal galleries, he said the doors couldn't be kept open for fire concerns but would look into a way to get them to stay open and automatically close when there's a fire alarm.

Later that week, I bumped into him again and he said that they were going to put these electronic magnets behind the doors to keep them open which would be released in the event of a fire alarm, closing the doors.

Surprise surprise! I went there last week and they were installed and the doors were nice and open, inviting people into the Stair of Wonders. :D
By the way, whatever happened to the 'Libesking chandelier'? There was so much talk about it around the original opening of the Michael Lee Chin Crystal and never spoken about after.
Chap who runs the place. Occasional greeter.


Michael Lee Chin, Daniel Libeskind, William Thorsell
Donor, Architect, President
I haven't met Lee Chin but I do know Mr.Thorsell and he's about 5'9" so Libeskind must be five foot nothing... or

Anyway, 'rather_draconian', I'll take your suggestion to him. Triangular banners on those poles would look good and add some colour to the currently grey front square.
Metroman - I'm confused. You keep referring to Libeskind, followed by the letters lol. Normally that implies there is something funny - but I'm not seeing it here.
I noticed today that there were several fat grey poles installed along the sidewalk on the ROM's north facade. One of them had a camera on it, and they all had some sort of integrated light

They were all projecting light onto the building this evening, it looked pretty good all lit up instead of the usual gloom....also, there appear to be some floodlights at the top of the Hyatt hotel across the street, also shining down on the ROM...didn't see those before...
Metroman - I'm confused. You keep referring to Libeskind, followed by the letters lol. Normally that implies there is something funny - but I'm not seeing it here.

I'm laughing about Libeskind because he's so dinky. I imagined the great architect Daniel Libeskind to be a tall man yet he has the stature of an elf.... kind of reminds me of The Wizard of OZ.
