Toronto Royal Ontario Museum | ?m | ?s | Daniel Libeskind

Agreed. I hope that you brought it to the attention of a staff member while you were onsite. The ROM may already be aware of the problem but I wouldn't make that assumption. From your original post though, it sounds like you took the photographs for personal entertainment purposes and walked away. I hope that it isn't the case.

If you feel that way why not e-mail the ROM yourself with a link to the photos on this site.

Great work, as always, Android.
Another example of what a shitty building the ROM addition is. Sorry, but... I still can't really name anything that is GREAT about this addition.
Agreed. I hope that you brought it to the attention of a staff member while you were onsite. The ROM may already be aware of the problem but I wouldn't make that assumption. From your original post though, it sounds like you took the photographs for personal entertainment purposes and walked away. I hope that it isn't the case.

I really hope you didn't crack the glass yourself to satisfy your "personal entertainment purposes" (aka PEP), and so you could get some cool pictures to post on Urbantoronto. this would just be too disappointing for words.

I really hope you didn't crack the glass yourself to satisfy your "personal entertainment purposes" (aka PEP), and so you could get some cool pictures to post on Urbantoronto. this would just be too disappointing for words.

It's only a matter of time before he starts setting buildings on fire and killing small animals to photograph them. Sick bastard.
Another example of what a shitty building the ROM addition is. Sorry, but... I still can't really name anything that is GREAT about this addition.
Since the moment I first saw the ROM's Crystal I thought to myself that one day in my lifetime they're going to have to replace the entire thing. I dislike the Crystal, they took a fine Edwardian, traditionally stout building and glued some glass rubbish on the side.
