Toronto Rodeo Drive Condominiums | 106.1m | 32s | Lanterra | Hariri Pontarini

Any updates on this?

Taken last week. Construction underway and first crane is up for a while.

Updates from Lanterra's FB yesterday:

"Construction is well underway at #RodeoDriveCondos. Excavation and shoring (supportive walls) have been completed, and formwork operations continue. We will start building upwards by the end of the month as we await a superstructure permit. Lanterra Developments Ltd. is moving ahead with all our projects. We're still open remotely through phone or email. Schedule a call today for more information. ?"

The pace of construction here continues to be awfully slow.

Indeed... the update email states they are waiting for superstructure permit to go through but in general, the pace has been very slow compare to similar builds in the same timeline.
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@ishiyakimo, agreed. this build seems to be taking a lot longer than usual. i was out of town and nothing looks different when I came back --wonder what the hold up is?
I am not sure as well but the Occupancy date has been push back to June 2021 (mid-March update). I suspect it's the timing of things plus COVID hit. I am sure it will speed up when it hits aboveground, hopefully soon.
June 2021 being around one year from now, doesn't seem realistic IMO. At 32 storeys, it's also fairly large building. It's tougher to forecast based on the lack of momentum in the past 6+ months, when comparing visual progress from photos in late 2019. If they pick up the pace within the next couple months, then I'd still see the earliest that occupancy can happen is either near end of year in 2021 or early/mid 2022.
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Well this site remains a dud, with barely any substantial progress in about 10 months or so. Wonder what's the hold up with Lanterra here.
