Toronto Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto | 207.86m | 53s | Graywood | Kohn Pedersen Fox

Oh I was gonna say... I heard there was glass up on that side, but it didn't seem there was glass in the pictures.
Walked by it ...

Yes there is glass, but we can't really judge anything just yet.

The glass is covering the bare concrete only ... I guess it's a good we know there won't be any of that.
Construction schedule (as reported in Globe and Mail):

Bottom of excavation - May
Late May/Early June - installation of the footings
Construction should reach grade by February or March 2008
Construction to reach top of hotel portion by September 2008
Construction to reach top of residences by August 2009

There are still a couple of hotel floors to go, so at this point they are about 4 months behind schedule.

This building should be topped out in one year.
Walked by the Ritz... the cladding is just a silver, non-descript reflective curtain wall with vents.

This cladding covers both sides of the lower floors which are 90% concrete and I suspect the vents will serve behind the scenes stuff like kitchens etc.

The pic below seems to suggest the real (low iron?) cladding may start immediately above, since the concrete walls give way to actual floors with windows.

The green hue in the pic is just a reflection of RBC. If you don't live downtown, I wouldn't suggest spending cab fare to see this cladding as both sides of the lower floors are pretty much hidden by RBC and CBC anyway.

The "transparent" stuff may make an appearance shortly.

Too early to judge at this point, but I am concerned with clear glass, as everything in the building seems to be more exposed giving it a cheap look.
More Ritz from Mollywood at SSC

Look at that podium! Can you imagine how fabulous you're gonna look, all dolled up in your tux, dancing with your husband, at your wedding, in the Ritz Ballroom? It will be FABULOUS! That podium is gonna put the rich and famous, front and centre. I love the high ceilings.



Now, if I could only find a suitable husband. All those nights at the Black Eagle, and still no husband. lol
Thanks for the pic's what?

I'd like to add that Mollywood's pics are very welcome.

This hotel is really going to turn out nice! if hotel rates keep dropping tourists may get some great deals at these 5 star hotels.
