Toronto Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto | 207.86m | 53s | Graywood | Kohn Pedersen Fox

Somewhat incongruously Urban Shocker likes pink hair, but that sensibility doesnt carry over to his architectural tastes...

a few shots from last night:



Thanks for the wonderful nighttime pictures of all the projects Redroom!

Support columns have now been formed for the 49th floor on the west side, again counting by the construction elevator labels.
Wellington will be the last street in this area to become a retail strip. A short block or two up to King, west to John, further west of here along Wellington, or even south and west along Front will likely have to suffice: this particular strip of Wellington has little and will continue to. If Ritz patrons or residents want something quickly, they'll be able to go into the PATH under Metro Hall to get it.

In the shorter term, out with it: more info on RTH's longer term parking lot structures plan pls!

Oh, I see. I had been hoping you meant you had some insider knowledge that RTH's Board were actively working on a proposal with a potential developer.

I wonder if there are any plans for some boutique retail in the podium of the ritz. i mean that would be an excellent location for some coture jewllery or designer clothing company... of course it all the space there is spoken for in use as meeting rooms, spas and ballroom halls then converting the base of any of the future condos and office buildings in the parking lots surrounding the simcoe place into ground level retail is always an option...
AMAZIN shots Cal!!!!

One thing I've noticed about the Ritz is that it doesn't cause a huge scene when it's under construction... It has only few hoarding around it's footprint and it's really compact... It seems quite welcome at street level even while it's under construction... IMO
I have more shots steveve b. just dont have time rught now to post them cuz ive got to go to some halloween parties and such. should have some really good updates tomorrow....making this post right now from my cell phone in all truth.....ive uploaded some other pictures to my caltrane74 flicker account....not sure they all relate to this thread though.
I'm liking that last pic from the south side of Front St. Finally I actually get some sense of how the bases of the three towers relate from that angle. Although there is some interesting geometry at work there I am still not feelin' the base of the Ritz. I think they missed an opportunity here facing that little parkette with a blank wall instead of interacting with the space with a more open arrangement... perhaps some sort of atrium that could act as a transitional space from outside to inside.
