Toronto Rêve | ?m | 14s | Tridel | Wallman Architects

That's true Ed, but it's relative. I hope we set the bar higher than the beige monstrosity on Front.

Now there are two monstrosities. Minto and Freed would have to reach reach low to beat these in the ugly department.
What the f**k did Tridel build on Front St and Bathurst? It's called "Reve" which means "Dream" but it should be called "Nightmare"

- Brad Lamb via twitter
That is quite a biased comment coming from one developer against another .... it almost sounds like bashing Tridel for BJL's own good (to promote its own project perhaps) .... LOL
That is quite a biased comment coming from one developer against another .... it almost sounds like bashing Tridel for BJL's own good (to promote its own project perhaps) .... LOL

Probably...but is he wrong? I mean, this thing is awful.

I've never seen him bash other projects (not by name at least)
while I do agree Reve's black spandrel may be a bit too dark on its own .... the red vertical accents do give it quite an interesting look overall IMO
May 10, 2011. This section of Front Street needs a lot of work.

I was looking at one of the two townhouse units facing the park a while back. I'm glad I didn't go through with it.
I believe those two units are still for sale.

That building will radiate so much heat in the summertime, it would be miserable for the people who live there.
The red paneling sure gives it more life .... helps to savage this building from all the black-ness ... I like the recently installed bright colours, thanks for the update SB
This building is unspectacular but fine. Maybe it just looks good in comparison to that thing next door.

I hope the abattoir never closes. Turning that site into glass condos would ruin a charming neighbourhood and the periodic rural smells add atmosphere and keep the area affordable.
The red panels are helping somewhat. I hope to see more.
The white fritted balcony glass is adding more relief to all the blackness of the exterior, though it does stands out too much.

It's not a bad building, just not a great building.
