Bloor West Villager
Active Member
Well, looks like the 510 won't be running to Union again until Queens Quay is fully rebuilt.
"Service will be temporarily changed, because of deteriorated track conditions on Queens Quay and the resulting slow operation. The 510 SPADINA route will be shortened to operate between Spadina Station and Queens Quay/Spadina Loop only, to insulate it from the slow operation. Service will be increased between King Street and Queens Quay. There will be no change to service levels between Spadina Station and King Street. Customers wishing to travel to Union Station should transfer between 510 SPADINA and 509 HARBOURFRONT streetcars at Queens Quay and Lower Spadina Avenue."
Interestingly, I've seen the 510 streetcar at Union Station going to Spadina Station every few days, despite this notification and signs reading "No 510 streetcars" and its removal from the next vehicle arrival sign.