Toronto Queens Quay & Water's Edge Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Drum's comment was written in September when the TTC were still saying they intended to rebuild the tracks on Spadina south of King.
The October-December service summary even says "Due to TTC Trackwork on Spadina between King and Queens Quay, streetcars divert both ways via King, Bathurst and Queens Quay. A bus shuttle will operate on Spadina between King and Queens Quay." The project must have been delayed at the last minute, with the track on the ground, and the board schedule posted.
Yes, no one will replace them ... also, the new streetcars ARE coming, it's even in the budget this year (the Ford budget) :) ... though a couple less of them.

Other routes who knows.

Anyway this is great news, I wonder how it all came together, for a while there it wasn't going to happen.
Are you saying that the Spadina streetcar is being replaced by buses or only until the rebuilding of the Spadina ROW is complete

If you were on Spadina today, no streetcars, as TTC crews were tearing up sections of the ROW at King St and Dundas. I have not heard or seen and notice of this work and looks like it was emergency work. Have not check service summary for sometime.

Never saw what was going on at Dundas, but south of King, sections on either side of the southbound east rail was being removed, as it had sunk below the west rail. There are red slow order signs in this area.

If the work takes place in 2012 now, it is possible TTC will used buses, 100% so riders going south of King are not confused where to get service since buses will not be using the ROW. Then its possible you will buses only running to QQ and Streetcars to King. Have to wait to see what the blue book look like when it comes out.

No work will take place these last few weeks for this year to start rebuilding the ROW.

Once the rebuilding is over, streetcars will return to QQ and Union, but not at the service level that is seen today.
Ah soil sampling... a picture speaks a thousand words:



If this is what to expect... this project is going to have a ton of headaches. And yes... that is the main watermain for QQ.
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What is the purpose of soil testing and why does it take so long? Is soil tested along the entire route or only samples taken at certain spots?
What is the purpose of soil testing and why does it take so long? Is soil tested along the entire route or only samples taken at certain spots?
To determine the soil properties so that you can design the track structure. Also to determine groundwater levels, and identify any contamination. It's taken at intervals.
Why soil testing on an existing route? The track is moving all of about 1 m south, isn't it?
Why soil testing on an existing route?
The track is moving from where it currently is. Also, there's been a lot of problems with the existing track, much of that roadway is built on lakefill. Soil conditions can quickly vary. Also back in the 1980s, the track wasn't built to a design that is as robust as is built today.

Soil testing costs a fraction of the designing and constructing the new tracks. It would be foolish not to do it!

The track is moving all of about 1 m south, isn't it?
Something like that ...
I hope folks aren't going to make the mistake they made on St. Clair and think that this is just about rebuilding tracks. There are some substantial documents available on the Waterfront Toronto web site about the rebuild of Queen's Quay. The stormwater management and tree planting infrastructure planned here is quite sophisticated.
I hope folks aren't going to make the mistake they made on St. Clair and think that this is just about rebuilding tracks. There are some substantial documents available on the Waterfront Toronto web site about the rebuild of Queen's Quay. The stormwater management and tree planting infrastructure planned here is quite sophisticated.

The problem on St Clair was the fact that that project started off as basically a set of new tracks and a repaved street and suffered from 'project creep' as people added in enhancements like burying wires. The QQ project is, as CapitalSeven notes, planned to be far more than a track project so one hopes (even expects) that the schedule will be much firmer.
The QQ project is, as CapitalSeven notes, planned to be far more than a track project so one hopes (even expects) that the schedule will be much firmer.
Multi-track contracts however are always more prone to delay, because there are so many that are involved. I think we've seen this on QQ already, as it's already slipped a couple of years, just trying to get all the funding, etc., in order.
Multi-track contracts however are always more prone to delay, because there are so many that are involved. I think we've seen this on QQ already, as it's already slipped a couple of years, just trying to get all the funding, etc., in order.

I actually find this encouraging, surely better to have all the $$ and contracts in place BEFORE one starts work so that there are no pauses while new $$ or new contracts are negotiated. WT has a pretty good record of running their contracts on time (and with lots of public information) and the streetcar track is a single straight run (apart from the Spadina/QQ junctions, which may not even be part of it) so that should not bring any real surprises.
