Toronto PRIME Condos | 148.43m | 46s | CentreCourt | Arcadis

I wouldn't mind more gold on the other sides of the building, but otherwise the CC and *Arcadis partnership quality is consistent here.
I continue to be stunned by how fast CentreCourt puts buildings up. Took less than a year to get from grade to topping off and the cladding is more than half done.

Same story at 55 Mercer. Anyone have opinions on the quality of their projects?
from my understanding the biggest difference for Centrecourt is that they run 12-hour days on site, 7-7pm, vs. the more standard 8-hour day. I'm sure they pay dearly for it, but it also lets them pump out a new building in, what, 2 years from construction start to occupancy? This site had shoring rigs show up in the middle of August in 2021.. I wouldn't be surprised if we are seeing occupancy here in October or November at the rate they are going. They built Grid Condos down the street from construction start to registration in just 28 months according to their website..
Toronto Model 06-15-23 Prime.png
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from my understanding the biggest difference for Centrecourt is that they run 12-hour days on site, 7-7pm, vs. the more standard 8-hour day. I'm sure they pay dearly for it, but it also lets them pump out a new building in, what, 2 years from construction start to occupancy? This site had shoring rigs show up in the middle of August in 2021.. I wouldn't be surprised if we are seeing occupancy here in October or November at the rate they are going. They built Grid Condos down the street from construction start to registration in just 28 months according to their website..

They also took full advantage of extended construction times during the height of the pandemic when you could operate until 23:00 and on Sundays whereas other sites around the area took weekends off and ended their workdays at 17:00.
They also routinely go beyond the permitted hours and have been granted a noise exemption for continuous concrete pouring much to the dismay of residents in the area and as a result have been issued many fines and reported noise complaints.

Construction is expected to be completed in January 2024. Some other notable dates:
Mechanical Penthouse - July 15
Pump Removal - July 21
crane removal - August 30
This really is a fantastic project. In fact, Toronto has a lot of fantastic projects, built, under construction and proposed.

Im the first to crap on this city for having terrible architecture, dirt cheap buildings and more. The reality is every city must have more inexpensive infill. I’d go as far as to say it’s an essential part of the urban fabric.

Our problem is not a lack of good looking buildings. The problem is two fold. The first is that due to the timing of the building boom, everything is glass and metal panels etc. So it doesn’t matter how nice a project is, everything gets lost in a sea of glass and mullions. There’s just not enough buildings from different eras to break up the skyline (at least in most places)

The second is the public realm. This is also improving with projects like The Well, but it’s not simply things like narrow sidewalks (I think these can actually be fine when it comes to projecting that urban feel) it’s the 4-5 lane roads that hate pedestrians and make things feel less urban, it’s the lack of planned public spaces, or the drab and uninviting retail that lines the street in many new projects. Block wide podiums like and Concord House and Sugar Wharf feel cold and monolithic.

This is somewhat tangential but point being. This is yet another example of a high quality building in Toronto at least visually. It’s also an example of why simply building high end glass towers, even non blue ones, won’t solve some of the cities biggest problems.
^ your gold magic hour shot of the north face... proves yet again that CentreCourt is one of the few developers that keeps all their render-promises. ;)


Agreed, but I wish I could see more of the east/west facing sides with their bright yellow stripes ...
