Toronto PJ Condos | 156.96m | 48s | Pinnacle | Hariri Pontarini

Ugh, the southeast corner sidewalk of that intersection has been tight for a long time, so I look forward to the hoarding coming down and giving pedestrians some breathing room as they wait for the light. I wonder if they’ll be able to push the hoarding back as the tower work continues.

I hope so and don’t see why not. The podium is nearly complete and the adjacent space isn’t even needed for staging which occurs near the tower. So that hoarding at the corner might be able to be removed. If the retail is already leased, it might even open well ahead of the tower.
Beauty and the Beast, in one tower.

brown spanderel like the one on Ace hotel would have made it 100 /10. now its just 10/10. :D
And we were so close to a perfect, gold-standard building but then Pinnacle decides to completely butcher one side of the building.

Toronto developers never cease to amaze me, but nevertheless this is still better than 90% of the junk condos in the Entertainment District.

To be honest, I was just waiting for it. Pinnacle isn't about that life.

If they suddenly banned spandrel, I wonder how many Toronto developers would go out of business.
Nice dark rich looking building ! This building's facade will stand out from a distance between the others. As you can see in the photos up above.
