Developer: Pinnacle International
Address: 1 Yonge St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Hotel), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 560 ft / 170.80 mStoreys: 40 storeys
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Toronto Pinnacle One Yonge Commercial | 170.8m | 40s | Pinnacle | Hariri Pontarini

I suppose this belongs in the Phase 4 thread, but the leaked discussions of possible new plans for 95 and 90 storeys towers on the One Yonge Phase 4 site (south of SkyTower) inspired me to pop a couple of placeholders into my future render viewed from Humber Bay.

I went with warmer tones (enough white and blue down there ;-) and decided the 95 storey tower should be an exoskeleton design... sort of HPA's Artists' Alley on steroids. ;)

My Phase 4 towers are on the far right:

One-Yonge-Phase 4-CROPPED.jpg

Link to entire pano from Yorkville to the lake:

Edited to add: melodrama 😇
One-Yonge-Phase 4-CROPPED - desat.jpg
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What's the tower that looks like a waffle right of Pinnacle One lot?
Isn’t that the placeholder?

inspired me to pop a couple of placeholders into my future render viewed from Humber Bay.

I went with warmer tones (enough white and blue down there ;-) and decided the 95 storey tower should be an exoskeleton design... sort of HPA's Artists' Alley on steroids. ;)

My Phase 4 is on the far right:
Basically, the City has received a demolition permit application for the Toronto Star building:

View attachment 618597

This makes me sad. I am old enough to remember when this building stood basically alone and was quite prominent in the skyline. It isn't particularly beautiful, but it stood out in an industrial wasteland as a beacon of hope of what was to come. Bye Bye my concrete brutalist friend!
Since this tower is going to be demolish. Will they create a new rendering of a different looking tower or keep the previous one?
Renderings are made to give a visual representation of what a new building will look like as a developer tries to get permits and OKs. Some are very detailed (and thus seldom look like the final product!) while others really only show massing. If/when Pinnacle want permission for whatever will replace the Star Building I assume they will present some sort of rendering that may, or may not, have much in common with what finally gets built!
Pretty unfortunate and disappointing for purchasers of Skytower who were likely sold on the fact that they would have unobstructed views to the south given Pinnacle's previous plans for the office tower. Seems odd for Pinnacle to propose this new development now when they still have plenty of high rise (high price tag) suites to sell in sky tower. That inventory has now lost one of its main selling features.

The city desperately needs to fund the new QQE LRT. It's insane how many people living in these new developments (Sugar Wharf etc) just walk along under the gardiner on Lake Shore to get to the core. There's no sidewalks for people to walk on and drivers are going 60kmph.
