Toronto Pinnacle Centre Condos | 161.84m | 55s | Pinnacle | P + S / IBI

I'm sorry but let's not kid our selves ... it's an ugly mess ... on the ground level it's not too bad although a lot of the retail is dying (this isn't a big deal I think overtime it'll stabilize) but the majority of projects built in this **direct** area 2+ years ago were terrible from the ground up. The newer phases are better to a certain degree.

I say this particularly because we've had so many other great low rise projects in the area (downtown) and a couple taller ones that it's somewhat saddening that the most prominent from a 'post card' vantage are this bad.

Well, it took Taal to finally point out that the Emperor has no clothes. Good for you!
What a hodgepodge mess we have created. The basic overall design and coordination mantra seems to be 'Anything can go anywhere as long as it is tall'. For the vast lot of you that so enjoy looking at all the pretty arial photos of all those 'attractive' buildings, I have a suggestion. Step away from your keyboard, put on your walking shoes and get on down there. Only then will you see what a massive banal clusterf**k we are in the throes of creating. The Cityplace experiment is like a cancer that is growing in leaps and bounds past it's original boundaries.
Tip: Be alert and be careful not to get run over. It's freakin scarey to be a pedestrian anywhere from Bathust and Front all the way over Queens Quay and Yonge. The unofficial speed limit here is 'Dead Stop, Then GO like hell and try to stay off the sidewalks. They are full of pesky people.'
In the Shangri-La thread, Ed007 suggested a hot-pink high-rise. This area would be my choice for a location of such a building just to really break up the monotonous green glass condos. It would be quite the contrast.
In the Shangri-La thread, Ed007 suggested a hot-pink high-rise. This area would be my choice for a location of such a building just to really break up the monotonous green glass condos. It would be quite the contrast.

Exactly. These towers are okay as filler but something else needs to be the showpiece here; to play off the blandness of the surroundings. Fortunately there are still a lot of empty lots in that area. I'm hoping for something spectacular at 45 Bay.
GOD, I cant believe how negative you people are, there's nothing wrong with this area,..... Its not pedestrian friendly???? Its sandwiched between a frickin train yard and a messy freeway. The density and height will make it work, give it some time. What would you have rathered them build??? Townhomes??? Absolute fails at street level, from most posters, yet everyone praises that, I just dont get it???? Its 2010, this is how we build today. If you live in Success, your views, and location are what matter. :confused:
Ice will be a great center piece. It looks amazing from any angle, all you guys seem to do is crap out your mouth. Why dont they work?, cause you dont like the color give me a break. I seriously get so sick of having to read through your whining, dribbling posts, that cry over little things. Once street cars are running and all the dust settled we will be left witha wold class developement, that most places will envy. Blocks from ACC, Rogers center and the lake. Thousands will walk to work and resist the sprawl. If you dont like towers why are you on this site?? Go back to Guelph, if you want non urban environs.:mad:
Where do you see something anywhere in the world that is on par with this massive overhaul?? Dubai, no way...Hong Kong.....same style here. We don't need the turning torso to give us acclaim. we need functioning towers , improved inner city tax base, and the city at our fingertips. Sorry Mississauga dont have that.
WE are being given towers for all income brackets, that is GREAT!!!! Its not like high end towers arent being built. But you rip Trump and Bloor too. St Jamestown, was a fail. This is world class.
Seriously.......what would you have put there.....I shouldnt have to defend our city by myself. It just nothing ever right with some of you. Too tall, not tall enough, too much glass, too much precast, ........NOBODY ELSE IS BUILDING AT ALL !!! YOU SOUND LIKE A BUNCH OF SPOILED BRATS. Eat your porridge.
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Seriously.......what would you have put there.....I shouldnt have to defend our city by myself. It just nothing ever right with some of you. Too tall, not tall enough, too much glass, too much precast, ........NOBODY ELSE IS BUILDING AT ALL !!! YOU SOUND LIKE A BUNCH OF SPOILED BRATS. Eat your porridge.

+1,000,000 LMFAO
Now please take a deep breath and step back from the ledge at the top of Success
On top of that, you praise the Lightbox, and rip MLS, when they are the same buildings with stupid light boxes perched on top, when in fact the Lightbox, should have been taller to offset its boxiness. Seriously, Cityplace is awesome, and Luna, and N1 and the rest are more interesting than any old concrete monstrosity built in the 60s and 70s. Curves and glass and lit features. WTF????? For all these middle income people to be moving into the city we should be praising the entire project ad nauseum. So please reflect on the dire state of the worlds construction and be thankful you live somewhere progressive enough to build 55 story Success' and ROCP's that make the city vital, and FILL IN THE SKYLINE!! Kinda the point of being a skyscraper fan. When i see the area before this all started and see it can i criticize it??? Get over yourselves.
This site is great when we debate, and discuss, but flat out writing off south of the tracks???? That kinda talk makes you sound like a bunch of idiots. You don't have to like every design, but look at the big picture, sure there are growing pains, but at least Toronto's growing, at least you dont have ghettos, and slums. You want to feel good about cityplace??? Take a drive through Milwaukee, Cleveland or Detroit.....Take some pride in your city intead of acting like "well I would have done this better" . You want to do it better ???? Go design and build and sell a building see how easy it is
If your gonna squeeze a large development into this area, a street grid would not work, single family homes don't work, small apartment blocks dont work ,.... so tall towers with views of the lake that are still affordable, has to be the plan. You guys have to feel like this area works on some levels. I can't believe how there are no positive opinions on this area???
Half a prozac??? you think that would help?? Id probably be more depressed reading all this negativity??
Green glass, too repittitive in design, no street life (yet), not pedestrian friendly,(still U/C tho), Ive read them all, its not Absolute....they dont dance at night, what have i forgot??
Ive been reading this site for years, it seems no one likes City Place, and the rest of the south side redo.
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