Toronto Pinnacle Centre Condos | 161.84m | 55s | Pinnacle | P + S / IBI

I don't see the problem. Atlantis is right, this fence is almost certainly only a temporary expedient until the patio is closed for the winter season, so it will only be there for a few weeks. Next year's fence will likely be much better in material and design.
It was a temporary fence placed around the patio area so that they could legally serve alcohol. It is gone now. 5000 people live in the Pinnacle Center, they chose to call it home. It's just down right obnoxious to listen the endless drivel of complaints from certain members on the forum on pretty much every building in the city. No one style or theme will please everybody, so there is no point in attacking and rejecting every structure that doesn't meet the complainants individual or personal style
I hope the fence gets replaced, but if the patio is packed anyways, they may go with an "if it ain't broke..." attitude. It wouldn't be the worst thing - a tacky frontage to a tacky tower - perfect for tacky dates!

Seriously though, the indisputable upside is that this is a continuance of the city's ever-expanding and ever-diversifying nightlife zones.
Seriously though, the indisputable upside is that this is a continuance of the city's ever-expanding and ever-diversifying nightlife zones.

I completely agree, this is a serious infusion of street life into what's been a lifeless stretch for too long. Much better than what I was initially expecting, which was another coffee shop, maybe a Subway or pizza place, and a dry cleaner. Looking forward to seeing what the sidewalk feels like with both Fox and Miller's patios out next spring.
I completely agree, this is a serious infusion of street life into what's been a lifeless stretch for too long. Much better than what I was initially expecting, which was another coffee shop, maybe a Subway or pizza place, and a dry cleaner. Looking forward to seeing what the sidewalk feels like with both Fox and Miller's patios out next spring.

That fence looks like the same one the Corus building patio had. It was only temporary and I'm sure this one is also just a temporary one too.
…and like Michael62 said, the fence is already gone.

from sat
Just when I though the Pinnacle Centre couldn't get worse or more oppressive to the area, this pub comes along and plunks down a white picket fence. Blech.

Seriously? You're focussing on a temporary FENCE rather than the addition of street life to a previously dead area?? Unreal.

On another note, does anyone know what the trellis-type metal structure is for on the south side of the parking entrance? Is it going to turn into some kind of public art?
Got to say this whole complex actually turned out better then I thought from the ground level. For all the talk of no retail there is a ton in this giant podium.

Having said that I wish the retail luck, a lot in this area doesn't tend to do too well but maybe that'll change.

haha is that the "Fox and the Fiddle" trying to fool people by altering the name a bit to seem more hip?

haha i think they just couldn't fit their original sized sign in between those two pillars with out make the letters invisible from across the street to anyone over 65.
