Toronto Pinnacle Centre Condos | 161.84m | 55s | Pinnacle | P + S / IBI

Success looks pretty decent in my opinion but what's up with the concrete still uncovered on the roof? Some parts are covered and the rest looks llike they just gave up....
.....the height might be inappropriate for the location south of the Gardiner.

The height is is very appropriate given this area is in the process of being incorporated into downtown. Honestly, i just dont get the height phobia some people have. If the downtown doesnt allow intensification, the transit infrastucture wont be effective and cars will be required. I think the idea of making downtown a transit/pedestrian area has merit but intensification is key.
The location is far enough from the waterfront to make the height inappropriate. It is also separated from the waterfront by several other buildings, including the Westin Harbour Castle.

The details are good such as the box at the top and verticle stripes, but the cladding makes Success blend in with the rest of Pinnacle Centre, 18 Yonge, and WTC condos making it generally indistinguishable amongst them save for the height and details.
What is appropriate height ???? Taller, shorter, closer to the lake???
Who's the judge of this parameter?? City council? Other cities? You?
In Hong Kong, massive towers shoot up from the harbor. In Vancouver nothing is "Tall". I guess I'm not sure what your stated opinion is.
Anyhow, Success is great, tall and sleek. I love it. Increase density at all costs...the future is there...sprawl must die....the car is for the weekend. The future lays in up, up, up. Community, tax base, sustainable inner city's... Decay in American inner cities, is the response to all who would argue this. Empty urban shells, vacated all hours except mon/fri 9-5, is a failed model. Walk, bike, sub/cab, bus, streetcar, interconnected civic transportation, instead of 85min, of isolated congestion.
People equals safety, and a real sense of belonging to something.
Toronto is so lucky to be so forward spite of governments and mayors and city councils, there is still a green belt!!!!
A plan for the next 100 years, an adaptation, to the global way of 21st century urban success. American cities are stuck with the car, the freeway , the the strip mall, and the cul de sac.:(
Count your blessings Toronto, embrace your density.
Can someone tell me how to embed a video??

I have something to show you...

I tried the filmstrip thing and it did'nt work...
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<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Seriously wtf???


replace { with [
I believe that jump was from Pinnacle Centre Tower 1 ~
That was pretty crazy.... young people feel invincible and sometimes you hear about them splattering on the street or wrapping a car or bike around a pole. At that height, if their chute didn't deploy, they would have no time to pull the spare (if they even had one).
I believe that's a clip from the documentary "Jump"
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What an idiot.

While it's kinda of cool what he did, he was also reckless and something of an idiot for doing this. But people tend to do very idiotic things in their(I did my share though tame comapared to others) youth before the ravages of age begin to pile up.

My brother and I for example as kids back in the 70's, use to go down into the DVP and cross the lanes of traffic to get to the parks on the other side. Why we're still alive is a mystery...
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