Toronto Pinewood Toronto Studios | 10m | 1s | Pinewood Group | HOK

If indeed it is at the film studios, then it won't be on the waterfront. It will, in fact, be in the middle of nowhere (South division), closer to a gas-fired power plant than anything else.

I don't know about that; wouldn't the site where it gets built - wherever that may be - immediately become a substantial 'somewhere'? That's pretty much the whole point of landmarks.
In reference to the site plan posted above, does anyone know which building this is?
It's called art. The site is very cutting-edge, 80's throwback. The man is a trend-setter. I am sure the site was designed to look EXACTLY that way. Have you seen his paintings?

The site is garbage. It's very much possible to create "art" and a site that's user friendly.

I can appreciate the art, but overall that site, even as a 'coming soon' temp page, is pretty much a failure.
reading the Globe's comments, it's about 4 to 1, outrage vs. supporters...but this is very definitely avant-garde architecture, which is going to polarize...

this could get interesting.....:D
What I like about this man's designs is that there is an element of playfulness to it. Modern architecture and planning is so damn serious all the time. Most people like colour and details and whimsy.
well the internet is mostly dominated by young pessimistic gloomy anti social men.
I for one would welcome it big time. I took two friends around last night from Washington. They Marvelled at much of the city. But they LOVED OCAD! I was quite proud of the recation and great comments about how beautiful the city is.
most visitors like the size and amount of buildings and are quite surprised at how strong and vibrant the inner city is.

I have also noticed increasing graffiti on many things not only in Toronto but all across the GTA.
well the internet is mostly dominated by young pessimistic gloomy anti social men.
Somehow, a lot of those commenting characters seem more like *older* pessimistic gloomy anti social men. Y'know, cranks. Colonel Blimp types. The same-old same-old letter-writers, gone cyber.

Okay, some of the amusing the "historical statues" part...
J L from Toronto, Canada writes: This teletubby thing is UGLY! There are way too many modern buildings in the city. We do not need a giant teletubby! We need more landmark buildings designed in classic forms of architecture that not only look beautiful but connect the past with the present. They connect future generations with past generations and give people a sense of place - a sense of home. We also need more historical statues that remind us of great Canadians and evoke emotion. When you fill a city with giant thimbles and blobs and weird structures that are trendy that is a recipe for disaster. These trendy objects age terribly and appear mismatched along side one another. Classic never goes out of style and a great city should be built with long term planning.

...and from Fascist aesthetics to outright Fascism...
chris jenkins from Free The West, Canada writes: It's not the buildings that makes Toronto ugly, it's the people. This wasn't true thirty years ago.

Though come to think of it, it was this same kind of letter-writing marginalia that fueled the overrated myth of the Group Of Seven being "controversial" in 1920...
Like Elvis's hip shaking in the 1950's and Hank William Sr throwing his head from side to side singing "hey good looking".

Yeah its either grump old men or pessimistic young guys.
