Toronto Pears on the Avenue | ?m | 20s | Menkes | P + S / IBI

I swear like 95% of the condos going up in this city all look the same. Same old garbage. Where is the creativity from our architects?

Honestly monotony isn't the issue here. This condo is uniquely crap.

Agreed with wolfewood. I'm on record several posts up that I think this building is a massive failure, but at least I say why. What do you mean by "Where is the creativity from our architects"? What are you looking for? Just wondering…
The proportions feel a bit stubby and slabby on this one (I wish it had lost that extra bit on the west end of the tower where it steps down from the mechanicals), but I think this will age rather well. The white grid on the south side of the building is a simple but strong design feature and helps break up the slab well. The stone town homes on Pears will match the feel of the rest of the street.

Details like the strong square axis points in the grid on then southside are solid modern "pippypoos" (term coined by urbanshocker, iirc; US, you are missed on this board, wherever you are). I also like that this building is a variation on a theme that is MuseumHouse, which carries similar design features.

I can't believe I'm defending P&S, but I get what they did here.
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Folks'll start moving in later this month. The hoarding on Avenue has been down for a while exposing the intriguing "split-level" retail area. You can now catch glimpses of the sculptural staircase in the lobby.
From yesterday:




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Seeing it in person it is better. I thought I hated it but I don't mind it in person.
Great vantage point on Exhibit Residences in that shot ezpz! You should consider posting the photo in that thread too.
