Developer: Symmetry Developments
Architect: Teeple Architects
Address: 202 Bathurst Street, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 74 ft / 22.55 mStoreys: 7 storeys
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Toronto Origami Lofts Condos | 22.55m | 7s | Symmetry | Teeple Architects

I still think it looks unbalanced, cold, and as some others have mentioned, a little violent. Not something I would want to live in!
Sneak peek at our upcoming project by Teeple.
Still a work in progress, this is a preliminary render. Thought I'd share with the fine folk of UT.
More information and updated renders to follow.


I still think it looks unbalanced, cold, and as some others have mentioned, a little violent. Not something I would want to live in!

Calvin, "a little violent" is what the real Calvin is: the kid is into his imagination, fuelled by curiosity and an explorer at heart. I say the real Calvin would be totally into this building.


We're working on re-tuning a few details and should have fleshed out renders within a week or two.
Location and other details to come shortly. Thanks for your interest!
Dear Symmetry,

May we have more details on the location and design of your beautiful upcoming project now?

Plz and thank you :)
Couldn't have said it better myself! Bear in mind that the building images you're looking at aren't true renders, just preliminary views. The upcoming renders will showcase the materials and details in a more three-dimensional manner.

Calvin, "a little violent" is what the real Calvin is: the kid is into his imagination, fuelled by curiosity and an explorer at heart. I say the real Calvin would be totally into this building.

Looks really sharp and distinctive. Keep up the good work!

It would be cool if the black cladding had a subtle variegated metallic finish to it, like cold rolled steel. Something that is a little gritty and raw, befitting of the shield or cloak concept, and contrasting the inner glass window walls.
I look forward to seeing more renderings.
Thanks for the kind words, neuhas.
We experimented with several cladding materials, with various levels of irregularities and grit, before settling on the current zinc.
It has a metallic, industrial edge to it while still being dapper and crisp. When we light up the building in our render models,
the zinc bursts to life - it has tremendous depth and tone.

Looks really sharp and distinctive. Keep up the good work!

It would be cool if the black cladding had a subtle variegated metallic finish to it, like cold rolled steel. Something that is a little gritty and raw, befitting of the shield or cloak concept, and contrasting the inner glass window walls.
I look forward to seeing more renderings.
so cool to be able to converse with you here on the forum, symmetrydev - one of the things which makes urbantoronto great!
I have no useful information to add, so instead I'll impart my wild guess as to where this might go, based solely on where there's a corner lot on Queen West that desperately needs rebuilding: Queen & Euclid, where that dumpy little 1-storey TD bank currently sits. Fingers crossed!
