Developer: Waterfront Toronto, CreateTO
Address: Villiers St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental), Commercial, Institutional, Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Ookwemin Minising | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

From Waterfront Toronto

“In total, there are around 20 levels of scaffolding, reaching 40 metres (140 ft) high.

To prepare the crane for its new life as a landmark, we started with some structural reinforcements and installed new cladding around its base. Now, crews are sandblasting and repainting the crane before the parks open. The scaffolding is in place to support the sandblasting equipment and to prevent paint flakes and sandblast media from getting in the air and ground.

 Sunlight piercing through a step wise metal structure of a crane with scaffolding. A lamp post on the left.

Each level of scaffolding you see in this photo is about 2 metres tall.

Photographs of construction workers working on a large metal crane structure.

The crews working on the Atlas Crane have specialized training for working at heights.

We are painting the crane white to match its original colour, and repainting heritage features like lettering and visible gauges in their original colour. The crane will also have new feature lighting installed
...It would be a cruel fate for some who post here if all those turned out to be utility poles. >.<
