Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

The Science Centre is headed towards the same fate as Ontario Place with declining attendance and relevance. It can't survive on school field trips alone. Walk ups and tourist dollars would revive it. Moving the Science Centre to Ontario Place would solve two problems in one. Do you really think Scarborough is benefitting from having the Science Centre? All 10 of the surrounding strip mall businesses? I think the pods @ Ontario Place would make the perfect home. Montreal has their Science Centre in the Old Port and I see tourists walking up all the time. I too visited it my first time in Montreal because I stumbled on to it. If it were out in the boonies, there's no way I would have gone.

Agreed again. The Science Centre really needs a refresh though, I was there about 3 years ago and it was not good.



The Science Centre should stay right where it is. There are great features to the building new and old. I like the new dome at the front. The way it runs down the long escalators into the valley. They could make better use of their outdoor spaces, consolidate some areas and lease out additional space. Maybe some techie companies would want to set up offices there, A couple small cafe's taking the patios in the Don Valley. There is great urban parkland there that community surrounding this building deserves to keep and it is a legacy we deserve. There is a small amphitheatre in front of the building. There should be music there all summer long. They could create a street market in front of the building on weekends. The surrounding community alone is dense enough to support it. Part farmers market, craft market with a weekly food truck/stall rental. Add a Zipline over the tree canopy into the valley.
There is a lot we could do to this place before moving it.

I do think they could take a pod however. A showcase of better bits.
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- The Pods are an excellent location for the Science Centre. The current location is inaccessible.
Don Mills & Eglinton is inaccessible??

Do you really think Scarborough is benefitting from having the Science Centre?
Well no since it's not in Scarborough.

The Science Centre needs some updating, but it's fine where it is.
- The parking lots in front of Ontario Place are the perfect location for a Casino/Hotel. This is being discussed in the Casino thread so I won't get too much into it, but MGM is willing to spend billions to build and run a casino on Toronto's waterfront. The solution to Ontario Place is staring us right in the face. A casino can be urban and beautiful. It doesn't have to be gaudy and tasteless.

I would imagine that if a so-called 4 billion dollar Casino was to be build @ Exhibition Place they would funnel money into the revitalization of Ontario Place with new transit lines, and new road/park infrastructure.
They would most likely bury Lakeshore from the future extension of Dufferin street at Lakeshore to Strachan Ave, thus being able to take full advantage of the development of those empty lots on both sides of Lakeshore.
...Not only would it connect EP to OP and the lake, but just think of the extra parkland the city would get by burying that ugly strech of Lakeshore Blvd.
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What a sad day it would be if the Science Center was moved. The Ontario Science Centre is one of the most unique in the world. It's basically built on a hill! I don't think you guys have been there in the past few years, but improvements have really helped the place. Four years ago, the place was turning into a dump. In the past two years, they have added new exhibits, and I must say, it's a lot more updated than it used to be! :)
The science center has actually renovated a few of the halls and more are being renovated.

Does anyone have stats about the declining attendance ? As others have pointed out the location and building are somewhat unique and the science center works with its surroundings, there are many outdoor spaces.

Having said that, many halls are still indeed of renovation. Some part of me would like to see it downtown.
I think the science centre is great where it is. Why should we move something that interacts so well with its surroundings? We could improve it, I believe there are plans to, but we should not move it. Build something new in OP. Then we will have our science centre and something at OP.
If the Science Centre were in some converted suburban warehouse a la Ottawa, then I'd say, "move it". But it's in a Moriyama masterwork (however tortured in places, esp. the frontage). Leave it be--even its so-called suburban "disconnectedness" has a validity, not unlike Scarborough College...
As someone who lives on the other side of the GTA without a car, I can say that I would definitely go to the Science Centre a LOT more if it were easier to get to. As of right now I would need to take a Go Train, 2 subways and a bus to get to it. The Eglinton LRT would probably make it a lot easier, but even after that is still is pretty far away, and in my opinion it is not advertised nearly enough, which is a shame because I went to the Science Museum here in London and I can honestly say my memories of the Science Centre are more interesting than this one here, which is mostly museum-like exhibits and not much interactive things, one of the best things about the OSC.

Although I do love its current building and the fact that it goes down into the valley, it would definitely benefit by being closer to downtown, or at least more accessible by something other than car.
If we're to bellyache over the Science Centre being remote/inaccessible, we might as well do likewise re the Brickworks--maybe even more so. (And I'm wondeing if, esp. these days, an added psychological issue about the Science Centre's "inaccessibility" is having to share a bus with a bunch of Thorncliffe/Flemingdon types in order to get there.)
The whole notion of moving these cultural and historical institutions due to some perceived issue of accessibility strikes me as ludicrous. The Science Centre is not about to pull up stakes and move downtown just because a handful of people on UT feel it's inappropriately located. It's fine where it is. If it needs work, it'll either secure the funding or it will die off. Moving it would be hideously expensive and would still amount to a needless roll of the dice.

As for the Brickworks, it's where it is because it's the site of a former brickworks, a historical industry which created many of the bricks which have long upheld the rooftops over many a Torontonian noggin. The whole reason you visit it is to get a half-way authentic sense of what Toronto was, decades ago. Too, its newfound life as a tourist destination and vibrant people place has a great deal to do with it being situated in the Don Valley - a place of natural beauty. Great place to take the kids, walk the dog... and the market, though pricey, has some excellent foodie attractions.

By contrast, there's not a whole lot of places left in downtown Toronto to accommodate every museum and tourist attraction one can imagine - especially not along the high-value lakeshore area.

Moving everything downtown in order to make some kind of greater impact just seems desperate and ill-conceived.

If a museum or other kind of science and cultural institution is deemed publicly desirable, people will find a way to get themselves to it, period. The transit situation is a moving target, too - the city is bound to be far better serviced by public transit in ten year's time. That had better be the case, or we are well and truly screwed.

And if you want to visit the brickworks, you are not limited the car. There are these cool things called bikes and - even more amazing - they have their own dedicated pathways taking you to and from the Brickworks. You really have to see it to believe it, but it works.

Bringing it all back to Ontario Place: - since it's really gone downhill, it's a bit of a crapshoot to predict that sheer lingering nostalgia for its glory days will ensure that it'll be revitalized and restored. More likely, perhaps, is the possibility of the old site being subsumed into some larger, different entity. As it stands, it's been in the dumps for ages now. People have a nasty habit of forgetting once-vibrant city destinations once they've been permitted to go to seed.
Many good ideas were mentionned. Toronto needs to deploy its resources strategically.

To the extent the Science Centre's architecture is interesting I like the notion of repurposing it, let some community college or tech company take it over. No-one is proposing it be demolished.

Cities benefit by consolidating attractions into nodes for critical mass. You can't purely rely on people visiting a specific venue, you also want people preferring to visit an area without anything specific in mind - to walk about. How many nodes a city can support depends on the wealth and vitality. Leaving the science center where it is does NOT benefit its neighbourhood, its almost a wasted asset. I visited with my wife last year, it is a children's venue, I won't return. Since kids are being bused there, why not bus them to Ontario Place instead? I am certain it will partly contribute to its revitalization. Using the pods as a location is an outstanding idea!!

Too much of Toronto's history and identity is tied up in Ontario Place to let it go to seed. Kids during the day, adults at night possibly at the Casino, a world class Planetarium, and much enhanced public transit could kick start the whole thing. Other attractions would follow.

Otherwise it will deteriorate quickly until some developer proposes CityPlace 2.
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If we're to bellyache over the Science Centre being remote/inaccessible, we might as well do likewise re the Brickworks--maybe even more so. (And I'm wondeing if, esp. these days, an added psychological issue about the Science Centre's "inaccessibility" is having to share a bus with a bunch of Thorncliffe/Flemingdon types in order to get there.)

The brickworks are walking distance for many people, there's a bus that takes you there from Rosedale Station, another one from Davisville, it's easily walkable to from Castle Frank, and there's a shuttle from Broadview.

They may not be the most accessible place in the world, but I live downtown and getting there isn't too much of a pain. Getting to the Science Centre on the other hand is incredibly annoying.
I assume the only reason people think the Science Centre should be moved to Ontario Place is because Ontario Place looks kind of "sciency". Even ignoring the obvious points that you would need to build an entire new building at OP, and the Science Centre has been spending millions on refurbishment the past 10 years, given that the target demographic is kids, and there are far more kids in the suburbs, it is actually more accessible to its target demographic than Ontario Place would be. Yes, the Eglinton line will make it better for those on transit, and we should have had that line in the 90s. But OP is lousy to get to by transit as well, other than one particular Go train line.

I have been to the Science Centre with my kids. If you don't have kids, I have no idea why you would go there.
"The brickworks are walking distance for many people, there's a bus that takes you there from Rosedale Station, another one from Davisville, it's easily walkable to from Castle Frank, and there's a shuttle from Broadview."

Are the "people" who live in Thorncliffe Park, and Flemingdon not people? Cause they can walk to the science centre... there are often times too many comments on this forum that really highlight how mildly elitest and downtown centric this forum can sometimes be... this one wings that comment of the week.

"The whole notion of moving these cultural and historical institutions due to some perceived issue of accessibility strikes me as ludicrous."
- Agreed

As for nodes of tourist infrastructure - presumably the OSC and the Agha Khan Centre will actually provide more than one tourst attraction at Don Mills and Eglinton. If transit in this city wasn't such a joke - the OSC wouldn't be so far from downtown...
