Toronto OnePark West | ?m | 13s | Daniels | Core Architects

Some of these brand new luxury town homes were occupied by unsavory characters.

Keep in mind, if sold on the private market these town-homes (some currently occupied by free-loaders) would sell for up to $700,000!

I cannot believe that people continue to have this attitude, as if public housing is some new communist scheme that doesn't have a 50+ year history in this country. Should we purposely build shitty housing for people in order to remind them that they're poor? If so, why didn't we just keep the old Regent Park?

On a related note, look at all the poor people that get to use free healthcare. On the private market, emergency room beds would go for thousands of dollars a night! On the private market, school tuition is tens of thousands of dollars a year, yet we're paying for poor people to go to public schools for free! Can't Mayor Ford do something about this???
Yes on a recent bike ride through Regent Park I noticed that there is a mix.

Most of the Town-homes seem to be condo's but there are a large number of them that are TCHC "rentals" that I noticed seemed to be occupied by refugees or others on social assistance.

Some of these brand new luxury town homes were occupied by unsavory characters.

Keep in mind, if sold on the private market these town-homes (some currently occupied by free-loaders) would sell for up to $700,000!

I don't doubt they are "very nice" inside.

No wonder Toronto is broke :mad:

To be fair peepers, there is quite a mixed population now, and I think that was the intent of the revitalization. Compared to a year ago and even a few months ago, there is a prominent change in the feel of the area. The corner of Dundas and Parliament has become quite the social gathering, and it used to be (and I never was in the area before so I don't know firsthand) from what I hear quite the scary place to be at night. I do not see the bums and prostitutes and druggies and in fact they seem to have moved to the Sherbourne area. As Paintbox develops, I can only see more of a safe area. Of course there is the argument re: gentrification, are they "kicking out" the poor...I leave that discussion to the experts. I think Regent Park is getting to be almost as safe as Cabbagetown at night. Although some on the board might have further commentary.
Yes on a recent bike ride through Regent Park I noticed that there is a mix.

Most of the Town-homes seem to be condo's but there are a large number of them that are TCHC "rentals" that I noticed seemed to be occupied by refugees or others on social assistance.

Some of these brand new luxury town homes were occupied by unsavory characters.

Keep in mind, if sold on the private market these town-homes (some currently occupied by free-loaders) would sell for up to $700,000!

I don't doubt they are "very nice" inside.

No wonder Toronto is broke :mad:

There's so much wrong with this post. Do you actually have factual data to back up your claims or are you just going by sheer ignorance?
Yes on a recent bike ride through Regent Park I noticed that there is a mix.

Most of the Town-homes seem to be condo's but there are a large number of them that are TCHC "rentals" that I noticed seemed to be occupied by refugees or others on social assistance.

Some of these brand new luxury town homes were occupied by unsavoury characters.

Keep in mind, if sold on the private market these town-homes (some currently occupied by free-loaders) would sell for up to $700,000!

I don't doubt they are "very nice" inside.

No wonder Toronto is broke :mad:

Refugees? How do you know that, did you ask them? So what if they are? Unsavoury characters? What, like our mayor? Luxury town homes, eh? lol We are broke because we have a mentally challenged mayor who has an agenda to ruin Toronto, case closed. When is this neocon bull-shit gonna end? Thanks Mr. Ford, for unleashing all this right-wing crap on progressive Toronto. We needed that like a hole in the head. Why not just move to Alberta, you'll be much happier there, then in Pinko Toronto.

Can you do something useful, like contribute a picture or video once in a while, instead of just spreading your mean-spirited bile? Why is it, the Ford Nation crowd never contribute a damned pic or anything of interest on these sites? They just come here to share their selfish ideology and contribute NOTHING.

Yes on a recent bike ride through Regent Park I noticed that there is a mix.

Most of the Town-homes seem to be condo's but there are a large number of them that are TCHC "rentals" that I noticed seemed to be occupied by refugees or others on social assistance.

Some of these brand new luxury town homes were occupied by unsavory characters.

Keep in mind, if sold on the private market these town-homes (some currently occupied by free-loaders) would sell for up to $700,000!

I don't doubt they are "very nice" inside.

No wonder Toronto is broke :mad:

'unsavoury characters'? well, let's include my sister in that lot - she was in a terrible car accident that caused a severe pain condition years ago. If it were not for publicly-funded housing (and universal healthcare), she would have ended up on the street and likely or maybe even dead by now. Because we live in a society where there is universal access to healthcare and some publicly funded housing, she is alive, thriving and managing a bank. By the way, I have met no less than a dozen families/singles through her that are refugees from other countries - they are warm and loving people who faced severe persecution for myriad reasons - religious beliefs, their gender, their sexual orientation, or because they simply 'spoke out against forms of human oppression'. Canada gave them a home and a life - all of the ones I met work (often in jobs way below their skill level and for crap wages), pay taxes, and richly contribute to this society.

Mr. Moderators, you have an ethical and moral responsibility to root out this kind of discrimination on this board - this kind of commentary against refugees is nothing short of racism.....moreover, the rants against those on assistance, is nothing more than discrimination against the poor. Regent Park is a culturally rich community filled with human beings with varied life stories and histories. First and foremost, they are human beings Peepers.

I hope to hell you never lose your health and your job and have to rely on social assistance - 517.00/month.... yeah, real freeloading, I would argue!
lovarchitec - regarding rooting out this kind of discrimination - you guys are doing a great job of that.
Yes on a recent bike ride through Regent Park I noticed that there is a mix.

Most of the Town-homes seem to be condo's but there are a large number of them that are TCHC "rentals" that I noticed seemed to be occupied by refugees or others on social assistance.

Some of these brand new luxury town homes were occupied by unsavory characters.

Keep in mind, if sold on the private market these town-homes (some currently occupied by free-loaders) would sell for up to $700,000!

I don't doubt they are "very nice" inside.

No wonder Toronto is broke :mad:

Yo, 'Peepers',

Those "freeloaders and refugees" you refer to must have paid market value for those cribs, because they are not part of the affordable housing component of the project.
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'unsavoury characters'? well, let's include my sister in that lot - she was in a terrible car accident that caused a severe pain condition years ago. If it were not for publicly-funded housing (and universal healthcare), she would have ended up on the street and likely or maybe even dead by now. Because we live in a society where there is universal access to healthcare and some publicly funded housing, she is alive, thriving and managing a bank. By the way, I have met no less than a dozen families/singles through her that are refugees from other countries - they are warm and loving people who faced severe persecution for myriad reasons - religious beliefs, their gender, their sexual orientation, or because they simply 'spoke out against forms of human oppression'. Canada gave them a home and a life - all of the ones I met work (often in jobs way below their skill level and for crap wages), pay taxes, and richly contribute to this society.

Mr. Moderators, you have an ethical and moral responsibility to root out this kind of discrimination on this board - this kind of commentary against refugees is nothing short of racism.....moreover, the rants against those on assistance, is nothing more than discrimination against the poor. Regent Park is a culturally rich community filled with human beings with varied life stories and histories. First and foremost, they are human beings Peepers.

I hope to hell you never lose your health and your job and have to rely on social assistance - 517.00/month.... yeah, real freeloading, I would argue!

Those of you who are jumping all over me for my post need to go back and carefully re-read everything that I said because I think your comprehension skills are lacking.

I did NOT say that everyone in Regent Park or in TCHC housing was a free-loader.

I did NOT say that everyone in Regent Park was unsavory.

I am well aware that TCHC serves an important purpose for Torontonians who find themselves suddenly down on their luck or are disabled or elderly. There are MANY such Torontonians who are deserving of such accommodation.

Many of these deserving people (including friends of mine) are on a 7 year waiting list and will probably never get into affordable TCHC housing. A big reason, I believe, is that refugees are taking up many of the available spots. Go ahead, call me a "racist" and a "bigot" if you like, I don't care, but I DO think we have an obligation to look after the needy people of Toronto FIRST. I don't believe that Toronto has an obligation to shelter refugees that arrive by the 10,000's each year in Toronto. Charity begins at home!

This is the big elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about.

The city cannot build enough affordable housing for the 1,000s of refugees who arrive in Toronto each year. How are they going to find accommodations for the 50,000 Torontonians on the waiting list?

I also believe that Toronto residents should have priority for TCHC housing over people arriving from other parts of Canada. We should take care of Torontonians FIRST! How can anyone argue against that?

As to my "controversial" statement that "some (TCHC units are) currently occupied by free-loaders" how can anyone take issue with this statement? It has always been the case that a certain percentage of people in public housing are scamming the system. A certain percentage work under-the-table while collecting welfare and living in rent-geared-to-income homes. Nothing new about this. This has been going on as long as there has been subsidized housing and yet when I acknowledge this fact I am somehow this big bigot who should be banned? :mad:
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Yo, 'Peepers',

Those "freeloaders and refugees" you refer to must have paid market value for those cribs, because they are not part of the affordable housing component of the project.

Yo! neubilder, you're .....


"Four individual family townhouses - two three-bedroom and two four-bedroom - with individual entrances are accessed from Cole Street"

This development does include TCHC townhomes with up to four bedroom!

From the street they are almost indistinguishable from the private-market condos. They do not have private garages and the finishes are probably not the same but none-the-less a brand new four-bedroom townhouse in downtown Toronto! What would that sell for on the open market?
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Just so everyone knows that it won't be tolerated, use of large fonts as per the above is considered yelling. Peepers has been punted for 3 days.

Civilized arguments only please.

thanks interchange, I didn't know my answer to his question would have provoked such controversy on this board. I believe that immigrants are what make this country a great diverse place to live. Everyone deserves a fair chance. I do believe the area is improving, not because they are getting rid of old inhabitants but incorporating them into a more mixed population of many ages, races and social status.
Anyway ... Daniels Corp has decided to 'extend' the inspection period until the 23rd September on the One Cole complex, so all the hoarding and scaffolding that was erected is going to remain in place until then at least. That's a couple of extensions I think since it happened, so basically they've taken more than a month examining and poking and prodding, and it's starting to have an impact on all the Timmy's patrons who enjoy their cuppa outside.
HELL NO! Dark, grey spandrel is going up on Paintbox, with light grey trim on the windows. Every single building in Regent Park, is now covered with grey spandrel. I bloody well hate it! Why call a building "Paintbox" and decorate it with a colourful roof, then cover it with ugly grey spandrel? I don't get it.
