Toronto One Park Place | 96.01m | 28s | Daniels | Hariri Pontarini

It's a nice change to see a non-grey building, going up in Regent Park. Was there a change in architects, or something?
Regent Park is changing for the best very rapidly. Between this, PACE etc the entire east end is finally coming back.
Who knew that this was going to be WHITE? Looked like a silver grey in the renderings. Might be really nice...

Great update :)

There's something quirky and Dutch about the orange-red brick and white accents of this building. It's different for Toronto (without even trying too hard) and I really like that.
depending on the materials they used, we may regret the white after 10 years. I hope not though.
Definitely a nice contrast with the Arts & Culture Centre and the darker Lightbox building. I'm really enjoying how Regent Park is incorporating a variety of designs from different architects.
It picks up nicely on the white cladding on the Paintbox podium (which I was on the fence about at the time, but it's grown on me). I hope it ages well, but it certainly looks great now.
I love what's happening in Regent Park, and buildings like this get me really excited to see us on the verge of fresh, sustainable and attractive changes in Toronto.
