Toronto One Front | 170.86m | 49s | Larco | a—A

I'm reviving this thread after, uh, a slight time away from it, (the last post was in 2008!), as there have been some recent moves on the building including its recent designation on the Ontario Heritage Inventory by City Council, and plans by the Government of Canada to vacate and sell it. Initial plans for what's now called the Bay Park Centre included this property as part of it, but it's not clear at all that it might eventually be phase 3 of that complex. Until such time, it makes sense to follow updates regarding the Dominion Public Building in this thread.

I'm not sure if stories disappear from from, or if they stay up "forever" like on UrbanToronto, so in case it vanishes from the link in the post above, here it is:

1,900 federal staff to vacate downtown Toronto offices as property sale nears closing
By Amanda Connolly | Mar 7, 2016 5:00 am | 1 comment |


Dominion Public Building at 1 Front St in Toronto. Photo: Nhl4hamilton/Wikipedia

Forty-one per cent of federal employees working in downtown Toronto will be moved out of the core over the next five years as the government moves to cut costs and sell off Crown property.

There are currently 4,600 bureaucrats based in Toronto’s core but according to question period briefing documents prepared for Public Works and Government Procurement Minister Judy Foote, and obtained by iPolitics under an access to information request, many of them have no need to be there rather than in lower-cost offices outside downtown. In particular, those in the Dominion Public Building, located at 1 Front Street West, will be moved to “longer-term, lower cost accommodation options” outside of downtown Toronto over the coming years, although staff from other offices will move as well.

“Most of the departments do not have an imperative business case to operate in downtown Toronto,” write department officials in the background section of a document that suggests talking points in case the minister was asked about plans to sell the Dominion Public Building, located across from Union Station.

The building currently houses the Toronto office for the Canada School of Public Service, the Southern Ontario office for the Canada Border Service Agency and the Canada Revenue Agency’s Toronto Centre Tax Services Office.

For close to a decade, there have been rumours that the federal government would sell the 38,000-square-foot Dominion Public Building, which has occupied prime real estate in the heart of downtown Toronto since 1935.

The background documents suggest the federal government recognizes that the five-storey heritage location has potential to be adapted for more efficient use.

“The building is currently not fulfilling the obligation to be at the highest and best use as there is unrealized additional density associated with this location,” reads the briefing. “The anticipated reduction in federal presence in downtown Toronto does not support continued retention of this building in the portfolio.”

Negotiations underway now to sell the property to Canada Lands Company Ltd. are expected to close by April 1, 2016, the documents say.

Canada Lands Company Ltd. is the Crown corporation that handles the redevelopment of property the federal government wants to sell off.

The company assesses redevelopment potential and decides on how best to manage the transition out of federal hands through consultations with community partners.

Neither the federal government nor Canada Lands are releasing details of what the property is worth at this time.

Manon Lapensée, spokesperson for Canada Lands, could not confirm the April 2016 timeline referred to in Foote’s briefing notes but said Canada Lands is having conversations about the property. She said she would not speculate on what Canada Lands could do if it acquires the Dominion Public Building or how much it is worth.

“We purchase properties at fair market value. Nothing is given to us,” she said. “When we acquire a property we have no preconceived notions of what to do with it.”

Once the property leaves the federal government’s real estate portfolio, it will lose its federally-protected heritage status.

Toronto city officials have been working for the past several months to get it recognized under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.

While it is listed on the City of Toronto’s Heritage Register and under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act (as part of the Union Station Heritage Conservative District), that section of the act only applies to the exterior of the building.

If city officials get it listed under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, interior features would also receive protection.

Toronto City Council stated its intention to designate the building in its last council meeting on February 3, 2016, and once the property transfers hands, the city’s solicitor will introduce a bill at City Council so members can vote on the proposal.

If it passes, the designation would go to the Conservation Review Board for approval.

There’s no word yet on where the 1,900 federal employees moving out of downtown Toronto will go.

“At this point, we are still assessing requirements of federal departments,”said Jeremy Link, spokesperson for Public Works and Government Procurement, in an email. “Options may include using existing assets, leased accommodation or a combination of both.”​

As mentioned above, it has been designated by City Council.

From today's Globe & Mail, Report on Business section, page B8 - Bank of Montreal advertisement for sale of 1 Front Street West. Don't know how to screen scrape from the GlobetoGo page image, so will quote the following from the ad:

1 Front Street West | Toronto, Ontario

(Picture of Building)

* Rare opportunity to acquire a landmark historical office building
* Irreplaceable location in Toronto's Financial Core situated on 1.92 acres
* Exceptional development potential
* AAA rated investment grade covenant
* Bid date February 2nd 2017
Gee, and here i thought Ivanhoe Cambridge had purchased this for their 141/81 Bay street development (Bay Centre), now i wonder if they shelved that development?
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Why would you think that?
Why would you think that?
Why indeed!. I know that Ivanhoe Cambridge are (or were) interested in buying 1 Front as it would fit very well with 145 Bay and I assume that the government must put out a public advert. My betting would be that they will be trying to buy it.

Here`s the advert - thanks to the Microsoft `snipping tool`


  • gandm.JPG
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I find it odd that they use "Landmark" and "Development Potential" in the same ad.

Do you guys think there is still the potential of someone trying to add 80 stories on top of this building?
I find it odd that they use "Landmark" and "Development Potential" in the same ad.

Do you guys think there is still the potential of someone trying to add 80 stories on top of this building?

Not quite 80 storeys but 'development potential' is projected here.
Because the 141 Bay project would be too close to the DPB's 'proposed' tower there is lots of info on this in the Staff Report etc dealing with 141 Bay that was passed by Council last November. See:

In particular:

"The Dominion Public Building, located at 1 Front Street West, has played a historic role in the City of Toronto as the location where the federal government administered, inspected, stored and taxed imported and exported goods in Toronto. The property continues to be owned by the federal government and is managed by the Public Works and Government Services Canada's (PWGSC) Real Property Branch. PWGSC has declared the property surplus and will be proceeding with its sale.

The Dominion Public Building was listed on the inaugural City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties in 1973. It is also currently protected as a Classified Federal Heritage Building. At its meeting of February 3 and 4, 2016, City Council stated its intention to designate the property, effective upon the transfer of the property by the federal government.

In 1996, an Ontario Municipal Board settlement was approved, permitting a tower with a height of 137 metres on the Dominion Public Building at 1 Front Street West which is located immediately north of the subject site. The proposed addition, which could be either for residential or office use, is centred on the projecting portico located approximately at the midpoint of the building between Bay Street and Yonge Street. The approved settlement provides for a building envelope, but also contains provisions for a maximum amount of gross floor area and that 60 parking spaces be provided in what is currently the basement level of the building. Within the 20 years since this approval, the federal government has not applied to the City for the required Site Plan approval and have not expressed any interest in construction of the permitted tower."

Clearly adding a tower in the middle of the DPB would not be a good idea (!!) and the City are now working on an OPA etc:

"City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to Toronto and East York Community Council early in 2017 on amendments to the approved zoning on the property located at 1 Front Street West and that the amendments be implemented through a City initiated Zoning By-law Amendment and if necessary, a City initiated Official Plan Amendment. "

It is worth noting that the Canada Lands Corporation wrote to Council ( ) They were generally in favour of re-zoning but wanted a delay, that was refused.
I find it odd that they use "Landmark" and "Development Potential" in the same ad.

Do you guys think there is still the potential of someone trying to add 80 stories on top of this building?

This building should have been donated to the city with the condition it never be torn down. This is an important building and deserves preservation. It would be a disaster to even build on top of it. Unfortunately the government is spending money faster than they can print it so everything is fair game.
DPB is certainly handsome but in your scenario, who pays to maintain it? Buildings don't take care of themselves so it seems to me that what you've outlined above is pretty much the definition of a government "spending money faster than they can print it", no?
