Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

There's quite a bit of balcony glass up now on the east elevation, facing into that little courtyard on top of the podium. You can sort of get an idea how it'll all relate to the window wall now.
Took this shot on Sept 14, 2014
Can someone tell someone ignorant of "building a huge building" management what else is going on? In addition to the glass, are there crews of people inside putting in the infrastructure (water, electricity, etc)? Or is it all raising the structure and the external glass right now?
Can someone tell someone ignorant of "building a huge building" management what else is going on? In addition to the glass, are there crews of people inside putting in the infrastructure (water, electricity, etc)? Or is it all raising the structure and the external glass right now?

I've seen the water/drainage/pipes/sewage piping installed/installation work inside of the podium of the tower. Walk by at ground level, and you can pretty much see it all.

Not sure about the electrical though....
Lol, smart aleck:D

No; I'm a software developer. I honestly have no idea when this stuff kicks off, and it's fascinating to me. My question could be better read as "how closely to the other groups of people follow the glass", and "how many of them can work through the winter", but, while I have some idea of the order a house goes up in, I have no idea how a huge building like that is coordinated. Given its size, it seems, well, like a huge undertaking.
In many of the photos I've posted, you can see the ductwork and conduits for electrical put in place before the floor is being poured. And looking from the ground level you can see plumbing pipes installed.
Salsa and Scamander24, well done... For every blathering, self important poster (myself included), there is a FAR less known, yet more admireable subset that quite simply posts updates with actual real day photos... One same day photo is worth about 200 lines of contention (disgust and praise et al) on UT... Keep 'em coming...
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