Address: 1 Bloor Street East, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2018
Height: 844 ft / 257.24 mStoreys: 76 storeys
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Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

After 3 years of looking at an empty field, it is great to see this building finally get under way. Having this corner look like Detroit for so long was painful.
For those who were not aware of the catastrophic decline of Detroit, most of the green areas in this image of Detroit used to be housing stock:

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Third after Chicago, I think, if only highrises in the downtown core are considered.

I actually doubt it ... if you referring to the greater core (i.e. not just the finical core but a little bit more north / east / west) ... I'm sure we have more then Chicago if you count from 10+ floors :) - the sheer # of condos does the trick.

Over 200 or 150m Chicago definitely has more yea and if you're referring to offices only they have magnitudes more.
For those who were not aware of the catastrophic decline of Detroit, most of the green areas in this image of Detroit used to be housing stock:


That photo only tells a small piece what the area looks like in person.

Its been about 3 years the last time I was there and mostly vacant blocks with some boarded up homes. The homes that people live are on the boarder of being torn down as there is little money to up keep them and pay property taxes.

Not much of the downtown remains from the days I work there.

I hope with the plan LRT going ahead that some real development take place.

Detroit will never be the same size it was for about 100 years or more.

Even their SRT is about to be remove as there is no money to fix it, let alone expand it. Another dumb idea that should never been built.

We are Lucky we are building things, not tearing them down.
^ Detroit's real issue is racial tension. If they can solve that, they can move forward.

No kidding. The old saying "thats why all the white people left the city"

The racial issue lead to the down fall how houses were maintain to the point most residents had no respect for their property.

They are moving fast on that south east corner and so much for the idea of a walkway or construction office area.
No kidding. The old saying "thats why all the white people left the city"

The racial issue lead to the down fall how houses were maintain to the point most residents had no respect for their property.

They are moving fast on that south east corner and so much for the idea of a walkway or construction office area.

ahhh that completes the story. I read that Detroit was losing population at a fast rate. It doesn't qualify as a major city anymore because its population fell below 700,000 if i recall correctly so they loose state funding as well. Doing a census recount to see if they can find another 10,000 people somewhere. But i did not know it was the white people that left town.

^ Detroit's real issue is racial tension. If they can solve that, they can move forward.

That is an ignorant comment, Sorry it just is???? I'm not foolish, race has always been a factor, esp, in the south and rust belt city's of the north, but to imply that the downfall of Detroit is from racial tension, Sad, ignorant comment. :confused:

The downfall of the American auto industry, is the sole reason for the exodus, and the resulting high unemployment, the poverty and the crime!!! Poor people commit crime, not black people. When the auto plants starting laying people off, the tax base decreased, schools, utilities and services all suffered. Safety then became an issue.
Detroits heydays in the 30 and 40's, she was one of the world great city's,with a pop. , and an economy to match, black people, and white people can coexist quite successfully, when times are prosperous,.....sure as neighborhoods were abandoned,and houses were fore closed ,poor minorities moved in, but they were not the cause of the decline, just a symptom, of that decline.. Detroit is on the come back, I have alot of friends from there, and there are signs of life and hope....
May she one day reclaim her post as a great American city!!! The US bailout of the auto industry, was in part an effort to save Detroit from further ruin!!
That is an ignorant comment, Sorry it just is???? I'm not foolish, race has always been a factor, esp, in the south and rust belt city's of the north, but to imply that the downfall of Detroit is from racial tension, Sad, ignorant comment.

That is not an ignorant comment. There was a mass exodus of white people from Detroit in the 60s that was partially caused by intense race riots at that time. By no means am I saying racial tension is the only factor at play in Detroit but it was definitely one of the things that contributed to its downfall.
