Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

Well this project has it's own iPad application. Maybe one day they'll have a building to go along with it.
The building will be done when either:

1. iPad 17 makes its appearance

2. Tablets have vanished as consumer products
Thanks for the tip valkoholic. Looks like parts of a pile driver to me. Could this finally be it.

They also look like the pieces of pile driver that are no longer at the U Condo site (it's other parts are still on site there, just dismantled).
It's just a tease, it'll be gone by late next week :)

random but who's car is that lol? who parks here (and is it for the day, or do people leave their cars here longterm?),
i don't wanna see cars here... i wanna see excavation!

Don't walk by then, there are always several vehicles parked in there! Presumably Great Gulf types...
Don't walk by then, there are always several vehicles parked in there! Presumably Great Gulf types...

get em outa there! :p!

i find it so wasteful/sad that they lose money with every passing day the site remains vacant, at least they coulda put something there temporarily (though of course they would be way worse than a tower/and ugly, a big tent with some sorta retail inside, those cheesy portable amusement parks, etc...) lol!
I think there oughtta be a law that any site that's going to sit vacant over summer months has to be made into a basic lawn park: basically, topsoil and sod.

If it's going to sit longer than one summer, plantings would be in order.

To tear stuff down and leave the space sitting as junk is a blight. Just look at Wellesley Street, where a rubble-covered vacant lot has been sitting for over a few years now, to no-one's advantage.
As Kramer would say...

