Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

So if your unit has, say, a 10' ceiling, is that from floor to bulkheads, or do they cut into that? If the advertised figure is referring to the height between slabs, then that's a bit of a rip. I guess I've been spoiled, living in an old townhouse with 11' ceilings, but even the higher end condos always seem to have such low ceilings, unless of course you're in the penthouse levels.

219 metres sounds better, and by applying 219 metres/65 floors to the new 70 storey proposal, it looks like Big Daddy is spot on with the 234m estimate. Not too bad, that's within 5 metres of CC West (CIBC).
The bulkheads cut into the ceiling height. I assume cost is a big reason venting isn't cast in the concrete slab. It would really cut down on the bulkheads which can eat up a lot of head room. Any sort of failure would be epic.
New billboards at Yonge & Bloor


Love it. Toronto needs more buildings that are unique. I am very pleased with 1 Bloor. :)

We can't have too many boxes, expecially at landmark intersections.
Those billboards look fantastic! Especially since they're centered around he retail podium! It gives people something/a taste of what to look forward to. Those renders look fantastic, super modern podium if you ask me. The glass panels are superb!
So they are so anxious to remove the tent that they are willing to go several months without a sales centre. They must really want to clear the site ASAP -- can the start of excavation be far away?
So they are so anxious to remove the tent that they are willing to go several months without a sales centre. They must really want to clear the site ASAP -- can the start of excavation be far away?

Hey if they have sold 75-80% and they have the cash, there is no reason that they cant start the excavation..
sources at Great Gulf Homes suggest that curtain glass would be used on One Bloor ~

that's good news ... another residential tower with curtain glass following Four Seasons

My understanding is that the use of curtain wall (what, about 30% of the building envelope) is a known fact from early on - has that mix changed?

I believe Great Gulf is in discussions with a manufacturer overseas that will provide curtain wall for the entire building, rather than just a portion ... because window wall systems don't work for towers above 45-50 storeys, and Great Gulf didn't want to do the lower 2/3 of One Bloor with one type of glass and the 1/3 with another ~

thats my understanding
