Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

I have my faults; i can be terse and tend to question without prejudice.
On the surface, the only possible derogatory 'comment about' (?) highly revered Mike in TO i may have made was to include the word "shady" to describe his second hand source. And by "shady" i simply wanted to imply obscure and not so much disreputable. that's all.

Dil, stick around. The board can always use... some... brawn ... i suppose. :)
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Name is new to the forum and just didn't realize Mike in TO 'credit history' (LOL) ... she's apologized already so maybe we all can cut her some slack?

Thanks for the info Mike ! great to hear 1 Bloor is in fact growing ~
thanks Solaris.
And how do you know i am a girl? lol, my avatar, however outdated, must have given me away! I like flowers too.
I also want to join the list of those defending Mike In T.O.

If Mike in T.O. is violated again, my reaction will make previous reactions pale in comparison. Other defendors of Mike In T.O. will almost look like they are his enemies in comparison to my defense of Mike in TO.

Describing Mike in T.O. as "mature, thoughtfull, insightfull and well informed, rarely if ever expressing a personal opinion or perjorative comment on architectural opinions or the merit of comments by others" is insulting. It greatly understates his qualities. Mike in T.O. had already demonstrated those qualities BEFORE he was conceived, and greatly surpassed those and all qualities since.

In fact my own defense of Mike in T.O. is unworthy.

Leave Mike In T.O. ALONE!!!
I wanna have Mike in TO babies

One the other hand, miketoronto is a insufferable Rob Fordesque disaster now that he is studying planning ... yikes!
In today's (Saturday) The Star, there is a full page ad about 1, Bloor Street East condo open for sale to public. I was under the imnpression that this was avery hot selling project. Where did the things go wrong?
In today's (Saturday) The Star, there is a full page ad about 1, Bloor Street East condo open for sale to public. I was under the imnpression that this was avery hot selling project. Where did the things go wrong?

I would think that they advertise to continue to keep interest in the project. As Automation Gallery says: they have released 5 more stories and if it was that it was not selling well and probably at least 70% sold, I don't think they would be adding floors. This was probably arranged a while ago to put in this ad in any event and within their marketing budget for the project.
In today's (Saturday) The Star, there is a full page ad about 1, Bloor Street East condo open for sale to public. I was under the imnpression that this was avery hot selling project. Where did the things go wrong?

Something is not right, that is for sure. They opened to the public yesterday and it's a ghostown around the tent this weekend. I walked by today and there were only 4 cars in the parking lot, likely owned by the agents and staff. I talked to the security guard there to confirm it was open to the public and he said yes, that i could go right in. I chatted with him a bit and he said yesterday was very quiet as well. Who would have thought? I'm sure they are all surprised there.

I wonder if the FIVE project down the street is stealing the thunder at $600 sq ft. Also CASA is registered now and many units are being sold by investors around that $600 sq ft price area. CASA is a stone's throw away at Charles and Yonge. Be interesting to see what develops there.
My guess is that all the investors/speculators think One Bloor's pricing has gone up too high now, or the good units were all gone, that they do not bother with it anymore. "The party was over, kid!" That thinking is not necessarily correct, though. Sometimes you can get great incentives from a good project when everyone has stopped noticing. Maybe a free upgrade that offsets the price increase, or 5% down...etc.

They all came like a wave. And then they left.
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Something is not right, that is for sure. They opened to the public yesterday and it's a ghostown around the tent this weekend. I walked by today and there were only 4 cars in the parking lot, likely owned by the agents and staff. I talked to the security guard there to confirm it was open to the public and he said yes, that i could go right in. I chatted with him a bit and he said yesterday was very quiet as well. Who would have thought? I'm sure they are all surprised there.

I wonder if the FIVE project down the street is stealing the thunder at $600 sq ft. Also CASA is registered now and many units are being sold by investors around that $600 sq ft price area. CASA is a stone's throw away at Charles and Yonge. Be interesting to see what develops there.

Alot of bad news + good summer weather make for quiet times. As well, the real estate market became quite quiet in May compared to previous and i think that June and July will be similar.

Globe and Mail on the weekend talks of problems in Europe (Hungary) and spread of contagion, US job growth in the 400,000's when expected to be 500,000 + and mainly part time census jobs so US recovery may be stalling, BP and environmental problems, and general stock market indices decline. None of this bodes well for "investors" to expect a marked increase in real estate prices.

Bloor had its hype and I believe has sold quite well. summer is always quiet and I think it will be a struggle for all projects now (except for the hype with new launches(the first few days/weeks). Look for slight pick up if it occurs in the fall (late Aug/Sept).
