Toronto Nobu Residences Toronto | 156.66m | 45s | Madison Group | Teeple Architects



When our skies (and air) are in competition to meet the Nobu's unfortunate curtain wall hues... >.<
For the very tops of the buildings that still have the unclad, concrete strip (it's bothering the hell out of me for some reason), is that where we're expecting signage to show up? Or what's up with that?
Because I would imagine the signage to appear over the portion at the top that's already done and doesn't have the thick black vertical frames. That makes sense to me anyway.
Visited from Windsor-Essex (I was born in Toronto and I am an architecture student) but everyone I was with is from county areas and not in architecture and they were taken a back by the density of this street haha. They didn’t like the “texture” (all the mullions) of the towers but overall thought this is how a city should look.
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For the very tops of the buildings that still have the unclad, concrete strip (it's bothering the hell out of me for some reason), is that where we're expecting signage to show up? Or what's up with that?
Because I would imagine the signage to appear over the portion at the top that's already done and doesn't have the thick black vertical frames. That makes sense to me anyway.
Not sure if Madison has applied for the signage variance yet (or if they even will - it's an easy thing to throw on a rendering, much harder to get approved in real life).
Visited from Windsor-Essex (I was born in Toronto and I am an architecture student) but everyone I was with is from county areas and not in architecture and they were taken a back by the density of this street haha. They didn’t like the “texture” (all the mullions) of the towers but overall thought this is how a city should look. View attachment 483466View attachment 483467
The density here is the only thing this area has going for it.
Visited from Windsor-Essex (I was born in Toronto and I am an architecture student) but everyone I was with is from county areas and not in architecture and they were taken a back by the density of this street haha. They didn’t like the “texture” (all the mullions) of the towers but overall thought this is how a city should look. View attachment 483466View attachment 483467

Welcome! The county folk don't get to see much density unless they come here, NY, Chicago or travel abroad.

From this morning. Going to have to get on the time-lapse for this one from this spot. Also, the Concord Canada House.

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Welcome! The county folk don't get to see much density unless they come here, NY, Chicago or travel abroad.

From this morning. Going to have to get on the time-lapse for this one from this spot. Also, the Concord Canada House.

View attachment 484654
That’s why I doubt statistics claiming that St Jamestown is the densest neighborhood in Canada. Maybe 3 years ago or possibly even now, but once the current batch of nearly topped off towers are occupied, the Entertainment District will almost certainly surpass it in density.
