Toronto Murano | ?m | 45s | Lanterra | a—A

I think there were 3 or 4 deaths during construction on Scotia Plaza... I remember seeing one of them being reported on the news back in 1987 or 88 when I was a teenage punk high on acid. That was my first glimpse of Scotia and when I first started paying attention to highrise construction.
Construction worker killed at downtown site - GTA - Construction worker killed at downtown site
May 12, 2008
Sarah Boesveld
Henry Stancu
Staff reporters

A construction worker was killed downtown today after a falling sheet of metal sliced through his hard hat.

Police say the 55-year-old construction worker was on the third floor of one of two towers of the Burano Condominiums project at Bay and Grosvenor Sts. north of College St. around 3:30 p.m. when he was struck by the piece of metal debris.

Emergency crews rushed him to St. Michael's hospital, said EMS duty officer Dave Vilijak.

The man later died in hospital.

"It's terrible," Sgt. Jay Frosch of 52 Division said of the accident.

Members of the Ministry of Labour is investigating. Work on the site is at a standstill until the investigation is complete, officials said.

The worker's name is being withheld until next-of-kin are notified.

The man's death was the first of two industrial accidents in the city today.

Less than an hour later a painter fell off a ladder in the city's west end. The man was working at a home on Meadowvale Dr. in Etobicoke when he fell from the top of the ladder. He was transported to Humber Church hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

The Ministry of Labour is also looking into this incident, said Sgt. Kevin Reid of 22 Division.
one of two towers of the Burano Condominiums

a very tragic story, and condolences to the construction worker's loved ones...but you'd think the Star could at least get the name of the condo correctly..
I think there were 3 or 4 deaths during construction on Scotia Plaza... I remember seeing one of them being reported on the news back in 1987 or 88 when I was a teenage punk high on acid. That was my first glimpse of Scotia and when I first started paying attention to highrise construction.

As I recall the manhoist failed at Scotia and everyone inside it was killed.

I wonder what caused the material to come down. It wasn't particularly windy today
After they top out the last floor, how long does it usually take to finish the tower?
Depends on the size of the project - in this case likely a bit over a year for most occupancies. Registration would be between one and a half years to two years after top-out.

Occupancies near the bottom of the tower may start not too long after topping out.
Do I see painted balconies? If so, wow--they splurged!;)

UD, I thought the same thing when I saw those photos posted, and before I read your comment. They are indeed painted. Classy.

Photographed today, the south tower is at the 18th floor and the north tower at the 29th floor




They should keep that pattern of glass on south tower, the checkered look looks cool. Maybe use a darker glass to close the gaps.
I'm not sure what you mean... to my untrained eye, they look the same. One other bit of detail I just noticed for the first time is those vents travelling up the center of the west wall(s) - they seem to be alternating in length at each floor. (most noticeable in last pic)
Sorry, wasn't too clear. I was just referring to where they haven't installed glass on the west side of the south tower (and a bit at the top of the north tower). The gaps in the glass looks good, giving it that checkered look.
ah yes, I get you now... you might be onto something there. Its simple little touches of detail like that that would make so many of these new buildings just a bit more interesting.

just noticed also that those corner views seem to be mostly blocked by the concrete pillars... poor design?
